Mon 7 Sep, 2009 02:11 pm
what is palmistry
Welcome to A2K. Palmistry is trying to divine someone's future by reading their palm.
palmistry is the bastard cousin of phrenology.
...and, btw, palmistry has nothing at all to do with astrology (except insofar as both are dead-end fakery).
I had my palm read years ago and I was told I'd be unlucky in love. Now, many years later, I have slept with well over 100 women. Come to think of it -- they all hate me. Never mind.
speaking of velveeta.
today I went to the store and mid-shop I was overcome with a desire for a dish from my trailer-trash past involving the dread yellow cheese product.
No problem I thought.
Wrong answer.
Where does one put a cheese that is not cheese. Not with the cheese.
I gave up, and my colon thanked me as we drove home.
(there were no palm readers there, but I know where one lives)
@Merry Andrew,
Someone tagged this Tarot Cards. I've heard some darn spooky stories about them.
You've probably heard the "Madame Zadora" version of the tarot, where some nut-job starts predicting the future? If you find someone who's actuially conscious and responsible they would not give you a nut-job type reading,