farmerman wrote:
I beeleeve that the study was conducted in Injia.
You seem to be an educated individual, surely you've heard of outsourcing and the global economy. Or is it that you believe Indians are only capable of taking US dollars to man credit card help desks? Maybe you believe that members of the US Trial Bar are so patriotic that they will only fund US junk science.
I'm not asserting they funded this study, I merely commented that I would not be surprised to find out they did. Certainly international borders are not going to get in their way when it comes to billions in fees.
They have already invested millions in this avenue of litigation with not much of a return. It is certainly well within the realm of possibility that they might look to less direct sources of research to aid their endeavor.
These are people who thanks to incredibly large contingency fees connected to mass tort litigation, have become a major political force in this country. Would you argue otherwise?
There is a reason the ObamaCare has nary a word for tort reform, and no less an expert than Howard Dean has provided us with that reason: Dems have a huge debt to the Trial Bar to make good on.
But then maybe you believe that, like their most famous member , the former Senator from NC and Dem candidate for VP, the millions they make is only secondary to the good and noble work they due for the down trodden victims in America.