perception wrote:Walter
I think you're confused about an ironic analogy I used--- or maybe I'm confused about what you meant by the first verse of that old song-----
"We don't want to fight, yet by jingo, if we do
we've got the men, we've got the ships
and we have the money to."
Maybe we should just let it drop............
Perception - I do not really think anyone was confused about what you meant by your "marching through Poland" gibe - and letting it drop sounds like good advice - 'twere pity only 'twere picked up.
However, I found the gibe interesting in the context of what brought this thread into being in the first place - which was yours and Sofia's comments on the dissolving the electoral college thread about patriotism being, in your minds, considered by "liberals" (in inverted commas because, as I always say, liberals are our conservatives) as a sort of causative agent for fascism (I can't find the quotes - sorry if I am misrepresenting you - I will try to rectify that when I return from work!).
However, I now find myself wondering, Perception, does your segue from the preceding posts to your gibe against Walter, imply that patriotism actually is a slippery slope for fascism in your mind, or was that segue inspired more by talk of jingoism?