djjd62 wrote:
while i'm glad they're free, i'm cynical enough to believe that had they not worked for al gore 9ie freelance jpournalists) and one hadn't been a celebrities sister, we might not be having this discussion
maybe not. but every journey starts with a first step. dunno about you bud, but the u.s. has been at these undeclared wars for my entire life time.
at some point ya gotta say wtf and let the world do it's normal bullshit. they all did it long before us, and they'll be doing it long after you and i have turned into fertilizer.
some of these guys don't get it. they seem to believe that the only thing worth getting up and breathing in and out for every day is war. something that almost none of them are willing to do themselves but are all for sending somebody else off for.
i don't act against some of our wars because i'm a naive pacifist liberal. i act against most of them because they haven't got **** to do with anything but special interests and pricks like cheney and limbaugh that let somebody else get their balls blown off while they hang back and make bank.
so if clinton went over and gave that little bastard a cheap foto op, or even a lifetime subscription to Netflix, to get those girls back.. i could care less. if obama gives a courteous bow to a foreign leader.. so the F*@k what?
at least he wasn't walking along literally holding hands with the leader of the country who supplied 15 of the high jacking sons of bitches that did the 9/11 attacks.
so really, who's the appeaser in all of this? or is it who's the bitch?
you know who thinks this deal was a failure? the guys at the aei and heritage and pnac who have been making money off of the Fear Industry for the last 16 years.
sorry dude. not ranting at you. just these guys have finally really pissed me off.