Fri 10 Oct, 2003 07:11 am
Subj: Fwd: (no subject)
Date: 10/7/2003 5:38:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Winniethpooh73
To: WWhitewolf77
Forwarded Message:
Subj: (no subject)
Date: 10/2/2003 11:41:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: NiceButConfuzzed
To: Winniethpooh73
This is something to think about! Since America is typically represented by an eagle. Usama bin Laden should have read up on his Muslim passages... The following verse is from the Quran, (the Islamic Bible)
Quran (9:11) -- For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace.
( Note the verse number!!!!!)
It's a hoax.
The worst part of the internet is that idiots can send stuff out as if it's fact.
where did this verse really come from?
Thank you, but do you happen to know if this was ever really written in text before?
No, it is a complete hoax.
This seems to be the real verse:
from -
YUSUFALI: But (even so), if they repent, establish regular prayers, and practise regular charity,- they are your brethren in Faith: (thus) do We explain the Signs in detail, for those who understand.
PICKTHAL: But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion. We detail Our revelations for a people who have knowledge.
SHAKIR: But if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, they are your brethren in faith; and We make the communications clear for a people who know. --------
Pretty sad when someone thinks that they can make up stuff and not get caught. <shaking head>
Quote:From: Winniethpooh73
To: WWhitewolf77
And from Winnie the Pooh! Not classic Milne, it's Disneyesque.
Piffka I found the actual verse myself. That was not my question. The question was. Where did it come from and if it was ever written in text. Also you rude person winniethpooh73 is my sister and if you looked it was sent to her by someone else then forwarded to me. She had the same questiom I did. Another thing I just love how you judged her sn as if yours is better. I wonder if our dead mother would care that you don't like the nickname she gave my sister.
From: NiceButConfuzzed
To: Winniethpooh73
Yikes. Calm down. My apologies to your sister and your mother and you. Good lord, you ARE the one who mentioned Winnie the Pooh, after all. And frankly, you're a little touchy for coming here and asking about something that could quickly be verified on the 'net in any number of ways. As to a WHO may have done this are difficult, apparently THAT is now what you were asking? You could have been more clear.
Where exactly did you find this verse? Did you consider the source? The source you gave us with Winnie the Pooh, y'see.. I wasn't trying to offend you with my quip about the Disneyfying of Winnie the Pooh, but it is a sore subject with me, and I am a Milne fan. If you can't see the resemblance between a strange paraphasing and adding on of the Quran & the same thing that has happened with Milne by Disney, then perhaps if I point it out now, you will.
I would think you'd be annoyed yourself (and not at me) that you were tricked (as was your sister) by whoever came up with this, as Cav says, hoax.
It's really hard to trace the exact source of these hoaxes. I figure most of them are just put out on the 'net by anonymous people with way too much time on their hands.
It appears that you are looking for an issue with this.I am not at all annoyed with anyone just can't figure out why you would attack someone's name due to your personal likes and dislikes. I believe my Question was very clear. I see no confusion when I read it. I'm not sure anyone did. My question was answered politely by everyone but you.This was not to offend anyone and I don't feel as though I did. Your love of Milne is not my concern. My question was.
Also I did not believe this came from the Qur'an. It was obvious that it did not. The latter part of my question was it ever written in text.I see this has bothered you to the point of insult, so I will leave it as it is.
Welcome to A2K!
Your question :
Quote:"Whare did this verse really come from it was sent to me?"
isn't quite as clear as you think it is. Piffka was merely pointing out the irony of the sender's (your sister) net name and the content of what she sent in her message to you. Relax a little. We're a fun bunch here with an evolved sense of humor.
A little advice to your sister and to whoever NiceButConfuzzed is: Don't forward anything from anybody unless you know it to be fact. Check and others to find out.
A couple of searchs shows that this "verse" has been floating around since early 2002 with one Christian site Renaissance Connection still posting it as true. I've emailed them to ask them to remove it.
That's the problem Joe. My sister and I have no idea who this nicebutconfused person is. This just came to her, maybe through another friend.We are not sure. Thank You for your input.I'm not as upset as everyone thinks. I did however feel the Question was clear.I think the replies i got to it other than piffka's showed that my question was clear and I also asked another question to be sure everyone understood what I was asking.Please don't mistake my blunt way of speaking as rude, this is how I am. Many have told me I sound mean and it's not until they get to know me that they realize that is just me. Thanks again for your input.
Thank you, but do you happen to know if this was ever really written in text before?
wwhitewolf wrote:Thank you, but do you happen to know if this was ever really written in text before?
Thank you, but do you happen to know if this was ever really written in text before?
cavfancier wrote:No, it is a complete hoax.
No, it is a complete hoax.
Hey Monger, caught your pics in the gallery, yer sisters are hotties.

That's not a hoax, is it?
WW: I think the quote could be completely made up. I researched a bit and the only referance to it is the bogus Koran listing. I couldn't find any other source other than that-- not even in any other part of the Koran. I think that's what you mean?
Maybe deeper research will reveal it, but I doubt it. Just some annon. person with a twisted imagination.