ossobuco wrote:
Snort. I well remember a contretemps on this between Roger the Gentleman and me. I'll have to look up the link. (He remains gracious.)
Was that a critical distance thing, or a man/woman thing?
You know, the fella who thinks he has to rush ahead to open the door?
I figure whoever the **** gets there first opens the damn thing, and holds it for others...or if that is plain awkward (you notice a fella looking very uncomfortable because you are suggesting he go first, you make a micro-second assessment and just go through the damn thing.)
I have told this one before, but it was one of the funniest and sweetest door incidents I have ever experienced.
I was heading to a self-opening door. Now....this one was a pressure opening door..ie there was a rubber mat covered thingy that sensed when someone stepped on the mat and opened the door.
A young man was standing near the door...waiting for something.
As I approached, he winked, made a courtly bow, and, with great fanfare, stepped on the rubber mat for me.
Made me laugh for some time.