Thu 9 Oct, 2003 12:24 pm
Lying behind a lazy waterfall
Between the trees, and wild vines clinging to bark
Twisted roots sip from a wrinkled pool
Colors and shades of green abound, nothing stark
Cooling and meditating is the breeze
Soothing and hypnotizing, water spatters on the rocks
A butterfly dodges the ricocheted drops
In the distance a woodpeckers beak knocks
Currents comb the furry moss
Two petals grow dizzy, in an eddy as it churns
A nervous racoon sips at the edge
I ponder natures wonders, and wiggling ferns
As I drift, an earned nap ensues
Hikings wonderful lullaby gift, and getaway
My troubles sip from a silent pool
Mother earth comforts completely, me today
Evokes a beautifully serene picture. Thanks, X.