boomerang wrote:Maybe this is just age related (8).
I don't think so.
A lot of this goes on and on and on.
I can remember some years ago when relatives were visiting from Germany. The hamburgers went all out to try and make everything just right for them (guest is always right, right). Tours, special food, gifts etc etc
That seemed normal enough to me til I started thinking back to our trips to Germany where we went all out to make things easier for our hosts since ... we were their guests.
I asked mrs hamburger at the time when they got to do things the way they liked. Her answer was pretty much "when we're alone".
Being a good host is tricky. Being a good guest is tricky. Getting the balance right is tricky.
The enthusiasm that Nick put into letting you all know he was the guest with the right of choice may have had something to do with his age, but you know there is occasionally an adult guest who says "well, you live/work/play here but it's probably the only time I'll ever get to ...."
It is easier for some people to deal bluntly with those adult guests than with kids, but I occasionally still get hung up on it.