rofl. well, not really.
the chihuahua just bit my dog is his um, scrotum..
i was about to squirt the lil fuckface but i was miserably slow, freddy did the deepest growl ive ever heard then snatched up one of his back legs ROFL! i really wanted to let him keep going but i couldnt, i can't condone any aggressive behavior unless its under my control, ie bite training etc..
**** they are such retards..
my aunt immediately blamed my dog.. i was like, keep your aggressive ass dog in the room then if you wont train it! my dog didnt really do anything wrong except defend himself, he could have been seriously been injured for fucks sake..
everyone started arguing and i kept yelling my dogs are the only trained ones ! **** that! your dogs arent even housebroken!
u guys dont even train ur dogs! mine dont do this this this or this, YOUR dogs are aggressive MY dogs are being defensive because your dogs attack them on a daily ******* basis!
i was like what did u expect! your lucky he doesnt require vet care or id be suing your dumbasses.
yay me.
heh, why are people so dumb? ims o glad i'm going to this job tomorrow, hopefully ill be able to afford my own place so i can be happy. jeez.... us!