Tue 7 Oct, 2003 02:15 pm
Do you know? Without looking it up first, I mean. I only found out this week. How many others knew? It's an interesting one.
No looking, now. Tell the truth.
Isn't it a sort of pictograph where pictures or letters represent words to make a phrase or sentence?
Yep. I have known what a rebus was since I was a child... my gramma used to draw them for me, and she told me what they were called.
Well, we had such "thing" in first class at school - but I honestly only knew it, when I could read the newspaper .... in the second class. :wink:
(Rebus is - better: used to be - a daily/weekly riddle in most German papers/magazines.)
he was a character who used to tell chilluns tales of brer rabbit and Brer fox.
Rebus: Isn't that the dreadful disease you can get from being bitten by a sick mammal? Then you need to have those painful shots. Really bad, rebus...
Actually, Rebus is a headache wine, the original name for Liebfraumilch.
<I thought that was called turkey>
It's a picture puzzle, right.
Like an image of an eyeball, a baby goat, a lady lamb and some rope in a hitch... I kid you knot.
Thank you all for your answers, variously accurate and funny.
I imagine that this device was first used when literacy was not universal or was even the exception (what, you mean like, now?) and so signs and pictures were used...say in heraldry, for Hotspur or Armstrong...which come to think of it is very like the commercial logos which are used for brand recognition nowadays.
Walter Hinteler wrote:Actually, Rebus is a headache wine, the original name for Liebfraumilch.
A headache wine? I've had a few of those in my time, yessiree.
Hey, McTag. I knew what a rebus was. Use to do them in autograph books and thought they were soooooooo clever.
M(eye) heart(picture of a heart) pants(pair of pants) 4 u.
Course, it could mean to get on the bus again.
Okay, up to now there are fifteen replies and eighty-five (why didn't I just write 85?) visits, so I reckon, roughly estimated, seventy people didn't know.
So that's a ratio of 15:70 or, only one person in 4.6
out of the pool of highly intelligent, super-educated, brilliantly literate people on this select website knew this answer.
So all give yourselves a pat on the back, you obviously deserve it.
But your math is off a bit, since those of us who knew have checked back here multiple times to see what everyone else said!
OK literate, but maybe not numerate.