Circumstantial excuses can be made for almost every point, so that they either become less bad, or more bad.
Let's take smoking in an elevator. I'm not a smoker myself, but was raised in a family where everybody else smoked, never bothered me much, so I'm ok with it I guess.
So if the person smokes in an empty elevator, no big deal.
If the same person smokes in an occupied elevator, it's more serious.
If one person politely coughs to state (s)he doesn't appreciate the smoking, but is being ignored, it is becoming rude.
Finally, if there are people in the elevator with a disease/condition that makes breathing difficult, and the person in question, KNOWING THIS, still lights a cigarette, said person starts to rank worse as the politicians and or kidnappers.
As far as drunk driving goes : If it's an emergency, what then? A friend of mine had a father who was driving some drunk friends of his home, while he was sober. Unfortunately, he had a heart attack in the front seat. This was before cellular phones spread rapidly, so noone had one. One of his drunk buddies climbed in the front seat and drove to the hospital. In my opinion, this man is excused.
Still, after this somewhat unneccesary and tediously lengthy reply so far, here's my list of assigned values.
1) Kidnapping (
worst of crimes, ranks right up there with murder)
2) Cheating on spouse/drunk driving/Corrupt Politicians (
Either very harmful to single person, or moderately harmful to lot of persons)
3) Buying stolen goods/tax evasion/Newspapers distorting news (
Money crimes will not directly harm, but they can : the newspaper one is insidious is so far that over a longer timeperiod this can corrupt the values of its audience, which is BAD indeed, but even as a one time episode it's still wrong)
4) keeping change.(
compromising your own ethics : not good)
5) smoking in elevators/not voting during election. (
Neither rates as a crime in my opinion, but this depends on the circumstance. As far as not voting goes, if your faith in politics is eroded away due to corrupt politicians, I can understand why someone doesn't feel like voting anymore. For the record : I still vote! 