Which do you value more?

Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2002 12:27 pm
I already did this once but had sex once too and that didn't stop me from trying my hand at it again. [size=7]Pun oh so intended.[/size]

Which do you value more?

1 :: Your sense of taste or smell?
Don't give me that line about how closesly they ar related, I know they are but if you had to go without either...

ME: I value taste more.

2 :: Your mind or your body?

ME: The easy answer is mind, but would not like to be a mind without a body, that would be a tortured existence with no sensory input.

3 :: Your arms or your legs?

ME: Arms.

4 :: Your friends or your family?

ME: Friends, family is random while friends are chosen.

5 :: Your job or your dreams?

ME: Ideally my job would be part of my dream but since I don't always get what I want I say dreams.

6 :: Your money or your spirit?

ME: Spirit as in mood? Dunno, I don't believe in spirits.

7 :: Your religion or your citizenship?

ME: I have little regard for either but at least citizenship is real.

8 :: This life or the next?

ME: This, the next stage is worm food.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,827 • Replies: 14
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Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2002 12:52 pm
Re: Which do you value more?
Craven de Kere wrote:
[size=7]Pun oh so intended.

Which do you value more?

1 :: Your sense of taste or smell? Smell - it's very important to me. If Setanta didn't smell like Setanta, he'd be of no interest to me.

2 :: Your mind or your body? Mind.. I've never known a man who didn't love me for my mind, so that's got to be what's valuable. :wink:

3 :: Your arms or your legs? Arms - they're better tool users.

4 :: Your friends or your family? Family. Hopefully most of your family are people you like.

5 :: Your job or your dreams? My job - it pays for my dreams.

6 :: Your money or your spirit? hmmm, i need money to keep me in good spirits. This is a toughie.

7 :: Your religion or your citizenship? Neither really. In fact, I have problems understanding people who value either of these above people.

8 :: This life or the next? This life. There are no guarantees there will be another. Gotta do the good stuff, the right stuff, now.
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Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2002 08:33 pm
1 :: Your sense of taste or smell? SMELL cause it makes things taste good even before they reach your mouth (and I'm hung up on smells anyway).

2 :: Your mind or your body?
MIND and I sure hope it stays 'well' even while the body ages and ages and ages.

3 :: Your arms or your legs? ARMS cause you can do more stuff on your own with them (though folks have been known to put their legs to amazing uses when necessary).

4 :: Your friends or your family?
FAMILY -- in most cases (Craven's experiences aside) it is one's family who is always there in a pinch; friends can come and go but family is always family.

5 :: Your job or your dreams? DREAMS cause my job isn't any fun

6 :: Your money or your spirit?
SPIRIT (haven't ever had enough money to mean much; have always had spirit)

7 :: Your religion or your citizenship?
I don't practice any organized religion, but I do have a faith. It's what sustains me when things get really rough so I guess I'd have to vote for it (though I am proud of being an American, too).

8 :: This life or the next? THIS LIFE cause I have no idea what comes next (if anything).
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Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2002 08:40 pm
1 :: Your sense of taste or smell?

ME: smell

2 :: Your mind or your body?

ME: mind

3 :: Your arms or your legs?

ME: Legs

4 :: Your friends or your family?

ME: Family

5 :: Your job or your dreams?

ME: job

6 :: Your money or your spirit?

ME: Spirit

7 :: Your religion or your citizenship?

ME: religion (faith)

8 :: This life or the next?

Me: next - For such a time is this
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Nov, 2002 10:05 pm
Smell. My husband's smell. The smell of my children when they were babies was intoxicating!






Citizenship, only because organized religion holds no meaning for me. If I were to follow Husker's lead, faith would take precedence over citizenship.

This life!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Nov, 2002 12:38 pm
Smell; fresh cut grass, apple pie baking, bread just out of the oven,
little babies hair, air before a thunderstorm
Mind; where I do so much travelling, reading, writing, imagining
a photograph the way I want it to turn out
Arms; my legs hurt too much and my arms are more useful:
typing on A2K, abuzz, dream memory work and of
course, paying the bills
Friends; my family are aliens, my friends are for me, and
like me just as I am
Dreams; always & always I shall have my dreams to warm my
heart when it is cold, chilled to the core by a thoughtless
word - my brain when it is dull - a kitchen knife that has
lost it's edge
Spirit; what else of me could last a moment beyond all time
Neither religion nor citizenship; - I value living spirituality, trying to
learn how to wear life as a loose garment
Neither this life nor the next; for me there is only THIS moment
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2003 12:11 am
My, my, Craven, you are waxing hypothetical lately! Oh, why not.......

1 :: I'd loose the "smell"; realizing that might leave a bad "taste" in my mouth

2 :: I wouldn't mind.

3 :: I'd give an arm and a leg to not have to choose!

4 :: What are friends?

5 :: If I gave up my job, I would have nowhere to daydream!

6 :: Without money, you can't buy spirits?

7 :: Both, in a heartbeat!!

8 :: What next?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2003 12:15 am
Smell, mind, arms, family, dreams, money, citizenship, this life
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Lash Goth
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2003 08:09 am
Re: Which do you value more?
Craven de Kere wrote:
I already did this once but had sex once too and that didn't stop me from trying my hand at it again. [size=7]Pun oh so intended.[/size]
Gets better with each try.
Which do you value more?

1 :: Your sense of taste or smell?
Don't give me that line about how closesly they ar related, I know they are but if you had to go without either...
Used to be taste. Changed to smell. Aroma has begun to give pleasure. Taste just propels me to want to taste. Would like to eat to live, rather than eat for pleasure. This would have me eating all manner of veggies and fruit, for which I presently dislike the taste.
ME: I value taste more.

2 :: Your mind or your body?
Would give up mind, due to Algernon-type knowledge of what I was missing. It would be too sad to be aware that you are a head in a jar... I 'value' the mind more, but wouldn't want it without a body.
ME: The easy answer is mind, but would not like to be a mind without a body, that would be a tortured existence with no sensory input.

3 :: Your arms or your legs?
Arms. Hugging and being 'handy'.
ME: Arms.

4 :: Your friends or your family?
Friends can take a powder. Would sacrifice anything for my family.
ME: Friends, family is random while friends are chosen.

5 :: Your job or your dreams?
Retired now, but would have said dreams. You can always get a job.
ME: Ideally my job would be part of my dream but since I don't always get what I want I say dreams.

6 :: Your money or your spirit?
No question for me here. Spirit. Had lots of money, been very poor. Spirit rules through all financial circumstances.
ME: Spirit as in mood? Dunno, I don't believe in spirits.

7 :: Your religion or your citizenship?
Citizenship in the USA. Don't place alot of value in religion.
ME: I have little regard for either but at least citizenship is real.

8 :: This life or the next?
The next. This stage is worm food.
ME: This, the next stage is worm food.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2003 10:27 am
1. Taste. God, do I love to eat.
2. Mind, I guess. Kinda like the stuff the body does, though. As a basically materialist person, I don't really see a mind/body separation, however.
3. Arms. Most of my day is spent on my ass, anyway.
4. Friends. They are chosen. Family was inflicted.
5. Dreams. I hate my job.
6. Spirit. Otherwise, what's the point?
7. Citizenship, since I have no religion whatsoever.
8. The life I know I've got.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2003 06:12 pm
smell-I just couldnt live without that...theres so much more to smell than there is to taste
mind-my body tis only a shell for my mind
arms-never really liked these legs anyway, and how could I connect without fingers?
dreams-job rots
spirit-like in personality, charm, all that money cant buy
citizenship-eh gads, couldnt think of life without it
This one-its the only one I get
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2003 06:32 pm
1 :: Your sense of taste or smell?
Taste. Oh yeah. Jus imagining what it would be like to have cravings for sweets, and then not being able to taste them, gives me the shudders....

2 :: Your mind or your body?
The mind. Several stated it, I'd rather be an oblivious body walking around all the time(in fact, I'm one already half the time) then a mind knowing what I could have had...

3 :: Your arms or your legs?
Depended if one could be easily substitued, but then it wouldn't really be missing now would it? :wink: I'd rather do without legs, because arms so much more handy in the tool (and PEN) using department...

4 :: Your friends or your family?
That's not fair choosing! I'd rather have my family, cos they were with my from my very very little years, and always cared for me. My friends do too, but hey, I allready said this wasn't a fair choice!

5 :: Your job or your dreams?
I'm a student. I don't have a job. I do have a lot of dreams though. I guess that ain't no choice huh?

6 :: Your money or your spirit?

Ooh, spirit is so vague... Actually, I like my alcohol, could learn to live with the ghosts of my past(in so far they're existing), love to be in good mood, sometimes like to be depressive, don't really care all that much about money.. Yeah, gimme the spirit(s)! Mr. Green

7 :: Your religion or your citizenship?

I regard myself as being a citizen of the world. I speak dutch, and I live here, so I sort of have to abide by the rules that exist here. Other then that I don't feel overly connected in any way to my little country.
On the other hand, I still believe there is something out there. Would hate to let that go. So I guess I'd pick religion, in so far as one can call believing in something a religion.

8 :: This life or the next?
Depends : Could I pick what I'd be in the next life? Otherwise, I'd sorta like to stick to this one... I hope I still have a number of years left to live, who knows, I might do something interesting someday, that would be interesting...
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2003 08:08 pm
1. Isn't both the same thing? Can't have one without the other?
2. Mind. Although it depends on at what level of conscienceness.
3. Arms. With arms, you can move with wheel chairs. Besides, I like to feed myself.
4. Friends. Family is a given. I choose my friends.
5. Dreams. I'm retired.
6. Money. My spirit is doing just fine.
7. Citizenship. I'm an atheist.
8. Life. Like I already said, I'm an atheist.

That was easy, Craven. How about something tougher? Wink

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Reply Thu 9 Jan, 2003 04:45 pm
Smell: I could smell the tasteless strawberries while eating them, but no fun tasting the rose-petals to compensate the lack of their aroma.

Mind: agree with c.i. about level of consciousness. I am a mind-a-holic trying to integrate it with my body.

Legs/arms: Legs but not by much, after visiting a W.Africa refugee camp.

Friends: Unless I can disclaim my future mate, whoever she may be.

Dreams: That's what jobs can only hope to be.

Spirit: I have tried mild cases of soulless wealth, and some soulful poverty, and the latter trumps the former.

Citizenship: in the larger sense of the word, not in the 'my country right or wrong'. Religion is a word I use (separately from spirituality) to mean the institutions that use people's spirituality to achieve their ends.

Life: The reap and sew principle. If I value this life more I am set either way.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Dec, 2003 06:31 pm
Re: Which do you value more?
1 :: Your sense of taste or smell?
Smell, there are studies that have shown that the ice breaker for any relationship is smelling the other person. In so doing, you inhale their dead skin cells and are attracted to your type of person.

2 :: Your mind or your body?
Body, my mind is part of my body. Therefore, I cheat and get both.

3 :: Your arms or your legs?
Legs, They can get you places and it feels so much better to walk somewhere than see it on the internet.

4 :: Your friends or your family?
Both, my friends are my family and my family members are my friends.

5 :: Your job or your dreams?
Job, I am currently a student and there is nothing better in this world than learning.

6 :: Your money or your spirit?
Spirits, they are much more fun to talk to.

7 :: Your religion or your citizenship?
Citizenship, I consider myself a citizen of the world, the bible is just an interesting book.

8 :: This life or the next?
This life, now is always better than then or later.
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