1 :: Your sense of taste or smell?
Taste. Oh yeah. Jus imagining what it would be like to have cravings for sweets, and then not being able to taste them, gives me the shudders....
2 :: Your mind or your body?
The mind. Several stated it, I'd rather be an oblivious body walking around all the time(in fact, I'm one already half the time) then a mind knowing what I could have had...
3 :: Your arms or your legs?
Depended if one could be easily substitued, but then it wouldn't really be missing now would it? :wink: I'd rather do without legs, because arms so much more handy in the tool (and PEN) using department...
4 :: Your friends or your family?
That's not fair choosing! I'd rather have my family, cos they were with my from my very very little years, and always cared for me. My friends do too, but hey, I allready said this wasn't a fair choice!
5 :: Your job or your dreams?
I'm a student. I don't have a job. I do have a lot of dreams though. I guess that ain't no choice huh?
6 :: Your money or your spirit?
Ooh, spirit is so vague... Actually, I like my alcohol, could learn to live with the ghosts of my past(in so far they're existing), love to be in good mood, sometimes like to be depressive, don't really care all that much about money.. Yeah, gimme the spirit(s)!
7 :: Your religion or your citizenship?
I regard myself as being a citizen of the world. I speak dutch, and I live here, so I sort of have to abide by the rules that exist here. Other then that I don't feel overly connected in any way to my little country.
On the other hand, I still believe there is something out there. Would hate to let that go. So I guess I'd pick religion, in so far as one can call believing in something a religion.
8 :: This life or the next?
Depends : Could I pick what I'd be in the next life? Otherwise, I'd sorta like to stick to this one... I hope I still have a number of years left to live, who knows, I might do something interesting someday, that would be interesting...