Fri 19 Jun, 2009 06:03 pm
Well here is the story, I have a friend, and he needs help desperately.
He was married and had a child with his wife, then they got divorce because of her adultry. She had another child with other man who took of and doe not want to do anything with the child, in a mean time, my friend who is the father of the first child, takes care of both kids as his own, financially and in any other way(the second child is not his child and on the birth certificate is the name of biological father). Now recently, his ex-wife started taking drugs and not paying any attention to kids. So is there any way that my friend can take kids away from her and all this and take care of both of them.
Thank you
Yes, a non-biological person can get custody/guardianship of a child but it isn't easy.
Where do you live?
The first step should be for your friend to gain "Power of Attorney" over the child so that he can make decisions (medical, educational, etc.) for the child.
You can print up POA forms online, get them signed and notorized.
He should also immediately start keeping a journal of any and all contact he or the child has with either of his bio-parents. He needs to record everything -- what they talked about, when they visit, how long the visit, what happens during the visits, etc.