fallen off course
through the thicket an leaves
fallen off the horse
a riot to the wicked an deceived
the quiet conflicted ,chest constricted can't breathe
ignorance cant read
greed can't share
justice isn't fair
and rarely equal ,
demons an angels were barely people
arrogance has gotten so high the air is lethal
shield's put down in own defense
a castle once home to a thrown has grown a fence
to seperate the classes
told to accept the fate the masses
built secret societies an classes , this clashes with the fascist
well the passivist , half full glasses , looking for away past this
time passes, as is expected , till through the fire a squire steps
the queens secret admire fueled by desire
set determined not to be fooled by the liars
climbed the wall they once call'd heaven
where he met an angel,
an a family of demons named sin he met all seven
cloaked in desquise ,smoke in there eyes,
everyword they'd spoken
was broken theyd lied
concience of a tired man sleeping away his sorrow
as the dawn sparked tommorow
awoken inside
light enters the chambers filling the halls
a knight ventures feeling in awe
feeling as if instilling no bloodspilling a law or killin at all
would be prudent
as to all lifes lessons the evervesent student
