Except laugh, baby, laugh
Until your spirit is no more
Try to exit laughing
When you go out the door
0 Replies
Sun 13 Nov, 2005 05:44 pm
"When you go out the door"
The Door
When you go out the door
Heed those that are calling
Enter the white light without fear
Never looking back
Yesterday is no more
Over with the pain
Understand the change
Go meet those that wait, your
Obligations are passed
Observe a life past
Unwilling wrongs made right
To be at peace with all
The universe forgives, you
Heal to begin anew
Eternity is yours
Delight in this thought
Offend nothing living
Or those that guide your spirit
Remembering to love
0 Replies
Sun 13 Nov, 2005 07:02 pm
(and so I close, my cyber-friends. good entertainment, right to the end.)
"Love is all you need"
Bring knowledge of each other
To the banquet hall of Life.
Taste the many-flavored wisdoms;
Quench the thirst of your delight.
For this day may be the last one
Before the longest night.
Take this time to toast each other
Gathered left and right. Remembering, to love is
Living to the height
0 Replies
Sun 13 Nov, 2005 07:24 pm
Living to the height
of men, not monkeys
making right of life, not fights
nor genocidal decrees
is this what we were made for?
how dare you come, for
how dare you make us die for
your green infernal oil war
0 Replies
Sun 13 Nov, 2005 07:46 pm
"To the banquet hall of Life"
The Banquet of Life
To the banquet hall of Life
Only a few are invited
Each guest seated according
To their importance in society
At the head of the table sit the affluent
Cream of society whose god is gold
At the other head of the table
The leaders of people and nations
On the left side of the table sit the
Citizens that live off the misery of man
On the right side to the table sit the
Ones that sell themselves for gold
They all gorge themselves
For the banquet is free for them
And as they eat the crumbs that fall
Are eaten by the miserable ones of the world
0 Replies
Mon 14 Nov, 2005 01:55 pm
Alien Fortress
Maladroit and alien, when abroad,
Is one who, inexpressive and withdrawn,
Erects a castle of protective fraud
But is not King, nor Queen, but pawn.
The alien abides inside its walls by choice,
Thinking, seeing, hearing all - it saves
And waits for courage to give voice
To the warring dragons that it braves
Each day, alone, unknown, and mute,
Tethered only by its discontented mind.
For, would it not be Kingly at its root
If all deceptiveness were left behind?
This alien would gladly shed its shell
And find a better place to dwell
0 Replies
Mon 14 Nov, 2005 07:39 pm
a hushed and darkened night
wraps its chill around bare branches
and whispers with the wind
as the first flakes of snow
begin to weave a blanket of warmth
0 Replies
Tue 15 Nov, 2005 06:38 am
"Begin to weave a blanket of warmth."
Blanket of Warmth
Begin to weave a blanket of warmth
With words that will reach my heart
And will stop the hurt that time left
At least for a fraction of an hour
From this world's eternal time clock
Before it repeats it's chiming again
Begin to weave a blanket of warmth
To temporary numb the pain of life
Before the throbbing agony begins anew
Press it tightly around the wound
To prevent my life's blood from spilling
Before my spirit abandons me to freedom
0 Replies
Tue 15 Nov, 2005 09:23 am
Patchwork hills of rolling pastures
Where spotted cattle clusters graze
And horses race with wild manes flowing
Turning only when the split rail ends
Hillside tractors package grain
And leave hay boxes in the rain
Still Life
Chrysanthemums of burnished copper
Dusky plum and shades of red
Watery stems in crystal sparkle
Reflecting glints from the southern sun
Fallen petals of varying hue
Form a pattern on cerulean blue
A face, composed in phantom time
Unseeing eyes gaze at unseen sights
Corn silk hair falls over too-pink shoulders
Blue lined fingers hold an unopened book
A textured image in a paisley shawl
Eternally wondering on the wall
0 Replies
Tue 15 Nov, 2005 10:34 am
"A face, composed in phantom time"
Composition of a soul
A face, composed in phantom time.
Chiseled carefully lifetime after lifetime
Not knowing if it will ever be finished.
The artist works with ethereal materials
Sure of the quality of its immortality.
Covering it, with three dimensional matter.
She works blindly, guided by phantoms
Guardians of past, present, and future.
Always present watching, inspiring.
Why does the artist work so hard?
Who is the essence she is refining?
The face of the life force, is her own
0 Replies
Tue 15 Nov, 2005 05:37 pm
Ode to Anger
Condemnations, however most trite
For naught than dispensation of them
Casts a veil of red o'er my sight
Gave release to anger, once stemmed.
The least iota of ill, given breath
Senseless as him that birthed it
Filled mine cage black as death
Found the soul and smirched it.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Nov, 2005 07:08 pm
Forever A Poet
I'm running out of time,
In this art, so sublime,
I feel I've done a crime,
I'm not sure when, sometime
In my jaded lifetime,
And I'm covered in grime,
But I'm just in my prime,
I'm not sure how long I'm
Able to keep this ryme,
'Cause I have no downtime,
In wartime or peacetime,
At noontime or nighttime,
"When will you stop?", you chime, Never in my lifetime
whew!...that's the most concecutive rhymes I've ever written :wink:
0 Replies
Tue 15 Nov, 2005 07:44 pm
The Night
When I look up at the dark night sky,
I see the stars, the moon, and wishes,
It's hard to concentrate on just why,
As the wolf howls and tall grass swishes.
The night sky is lovely, dark, and deep,
Next to it the earth seems gray and bleak,
And I find it hard to go to sleep
For the thoughts of that stellar boutique.
The night, I know, will always comply,
The people are gone, the sky is clear,
But it's hard to concentrate on why
The night, for me, holds so much revere.