Linkat wrote:
I look at my credit rating in terms of a future mortgage ... the better your rating, the less you pay in interest. This could also impact you in renting - if you have bad credit, you may have difficulty - the newest thing is for companies to run a credit report on you as well when applying for jobs.
I understand that it's a different philosophy that I hold then others, and I'm not looking to tell other people they are wrong.
But I don't buy into any of that. I don't want a mortgage, period. Or a car note, or any note at all. Instead I save my money to pay for things. My wife and I are dedicated savers who don't make many major purchases. We are not completely immune to Consumerism but have set our lives up to the point where we make very few purchases of consumer goods, certainly very few expensive ones. Our living room is cute but not as nice as others my age, because we don't waste our money on stuff.
Instead, we have an ever-growing account to build up money to purchase these things. It has ever been my policy that if you can't afford something right at that time, you can't afford it at all.
I've never had a single problem renting due to my credit and I don't know anyone else out here in the Bay Area who has either. Maybe if you're looking into moving in a posh apartment complex, or some swank condo. That's not a problem for me.
I would not work for a company which ran my credit report and decided that I couldn't be employed b/c I don't use a CC. It's antithetical to my ethos.
The nice part about my philosophy is that at the end of the day, we're never in debt and never will be - and I am not profiting off of the debt of others. The 'perks' that attract so many to credit cards are paid for by the sweat of your fellow man, and that to me is disgusting; the company is essentially saying, 'hey! Enough of you schlubs fall behind, that we can give you a tiny piece of the money that we make off of their 30% interest rates!'
Turns my stomach, the thought of enjoying that money.