I reread Kellers article in the Journal GSA and she postulates that , because the "iridium layer and the "terminator layer" whisch contains all the melted glass blebs are separated by several stratigraphic layers which are quiet water deposition features, she states that there were actually 2 bolide strikes.
My problem with all the bolide strike theories is that
1we can see that in the Maastrichtian period or the late K, they can see that dinosaurs were already disappearing. Then, all of a suddne, a bolide the size of Manhattan hits Cancun and then the dinosaurs all died.
HOW come we dont see any evidence of dinosaur fossils right at the bolide iridium layer and the KT boundary? If we look at this forensically, we dont have any corpus delictii. EVery time I asked this question of my paleo colleagues they tell me that my question is silly. If we make and argument that a truck hit and killed somone, we usually have a body and a dented truck. Here we have a bolide hitting the earth and lots of stratigraphic evidence, we have the ash and fern explosion at the KT boundary, we have no dinos after the KT, but theres no place on earth where it appears that a dinosaur got snuffed by the bolide and left a fossil at the boundary or just after.