While the point of the original article is interesting, I think it makes a lot of questionable claims that makes me discount the entire article. Examples:
Quote:People who have been cheated on can sometimes be extremely violent and much of the violence in the United States can be attributed to infidelity.
Much of the violence in the US is due to infidelity??? Ask any policeman what they think and I think you will end up with drug abuse and the resultant crime. That may or may not be correct, but I think infidelity is not going to be high on the list.
Quote:"The most frequent calls psychiatrists get in the middle of the night are from people who have discovered adultery,"
I'm not a pychiatrist so I can't directly dispute this, but it sounds far fetched to me. Middle of the night calls not from depressed, potential suicides, but from someone who found a cheating spouse?
Quote:Obtaining accurate data about human infidelity is difficult because people lie about it, according to Lipton. But she said various studies indicate it is quite common, with 50 percent of men confessing to at least one affair and 30 percent to 50 percent of women admitting that behavior.
"Being monogamous is rare.
So rare that half of married couples don't have even one affair?
Quote:Males tend to be opportunistic and have sex out of marriage because it is available and pleasurable. For women it is a way of obtaining something better than their mate, someone who may be richer, more handsome or more powerful, they said.
Isn't this really, really oversimplified? Especially for women? After all, my understanding is that women often don't leave their marriage for the "richer, more handsome or more powerful" guy and they put their existing family life at risk. This sounds like a quick, off the cuff remark rather than an expert opinion.