Fri 3 Oct, 2003 05:11 pm
Pride goeth before a fall . . .
Is pride a bad thing? Is that absolute, or perhaps conditional, a little pride a good thing, too much pride becoming hubris?
What do you think about Pride?
I think pride is only a bad thing when it impairs judgement or offends others.
I think that pride as a concept has gotten a bad rap. I think that is it reasonable and healthy for a person to be proud of a real accomplishment. The problem is with false pride, where people take credit for something that they don't deserve.
I forgot to qualify something:
....offends others unnecessarily.
Craven- There are some people who become quite threatened by another's accomplishments. THAT is not a reason for feigning modesty just to pacify an insecure person.
Yep, what I had in mind is that it's impossible to avoid all offense.
Yep, pride needs moderation.
I think pride can be dangerous. Or at least the state, called pride, we are in when we find ourselves unable to ask others for help, as it would reveal what we perceive as a weakness.
If we can find no pride in ourselves how can we ever be proud of anyone else? For example, if I am not proud of my background, culture, country how can I see the worth in anothers. I truly believe racists, bigots employ bravado, it's empty and meaningless. They find the need to destroy others in order to build themselves up.
I have pride in all my siblings and in myself. I have pride in myself, because I have accomplished much more than I could have dreamt of ever accomplishing as a young man. I didn't have goals during my teenage years, because I was never a good student in school like my siblings. My older brother's report card in elementary school used to have the American flag and gold stars, while mine said, "c.i. fights too much." As the saying goes, the rest is history.
I think if you can keep the "self" thing away from pride you are better off.
self = self-centeredness
margo, No, it was more of counting the small number of pennies I may have owned. In later life, when I had dollar bills, I ironed them before putting them in my pocket.
There is nothing wrong with being proud of one's accomplishments. Being proud is not the same as pride, in it's 'deadly sin' definition. Most folks who suffer from pride are dangerously low in the self-esteem department. I have always preferred 'hubris' to 'pride'. It is more specific.
cav- I have to agree. Remember the old saying about empty barrels making the most noise? A person of high self esteem and true accomplishment can take pride in himself without shoving it down other people's throats.
Gee, did I shove my pride down anybody's throat? Sorry!
the value of 'pride' lies in its 'object';
being proud of things which are demonstrably worthy is normal 'common' sense;
being proud of things, just because they are, or because it is expected, or because it is a 'tradition', or simply in apposition to 'other values' is a demonstration of 'stupidity'.