I can't speak for all Trekies, but I'm a Trekie who grew up with the original series, and I don't mind the new story line.
We went to the 6:30pm show last night and I expected it to be crowded, but it wasn't. The theater was only about 80% full when the show started. Before the show three employees from the theater came out dressed in Star Trek shirts and did a trivia game and gave out Tribbles and Movie tickets. Unfortunately all their trivia was derived from the movies, not the original TV show. Theaters in the North East never do stuff like this because unlike the "friendly south", us North Easterners are suspicious cynical crabby people who don't want to talk to anyone and don't want to be bothered.

But for some reason, the audience was fairly happy with the little trivia show.
I was surprised that the audience wasn't full of teens/kids. Instead, it was full of aging Trekies like me, many of them far more fanatical although nobody came dressed as a Klingon or anything. During the show applause broke out whenever one of the new characters was shown, and especially when people were slow to recognize the character for who they were ("Bones" McCoy for example). The movie did a good job of filling in the backstory for some of the characters including the origin of "Bones" name.
When the Enterprise was first revealed and they did the slow pass over the NCC-1701, applause broke out again.
Even though Star Trek has been revived in many forms over the years, none of them have ever revisited the original characters at the point in time where TOS began and when most of us viewers were kids. I found this movie oddly evocative of childhood memories and some type of strange connection to the characters, almost as though they were kids and I was their parent, knowing what their lives would bring them.
Trekies will get something out of this movie that younger audiences will never even be aware of.