Fri 1 May, 2009 04:00 pm
There are 2 men, both have briefcases and one of them has 1million dollars
you have one question you can ask to find out who has the 1million dollars.
What would you ask?
Why didn't you use a hold-all?
Does the other person have the million dollars?
Would you like me to carry your bag sir?
Will I shoot both of you if you dont turn over the money bag?
Notice the difference in emphasis between my suggestion and effemm's. Mine is witty and sweet and his is witless and violent.
"Power grows out of the barrel of a gun". (Chairman Mao).
I don't think so. You are alerting the guy with the empty bag, he will know it is empty, that the other guy has the moolah. So you'll have him to deal with as well.
Sounds like I will need OmSigDAVID on my side
Mine employs a kind word AND a gun.