You are 46 years and 102 days old today.
At your exact age, Brook Taylor died. He was a mathematician who developed the Taylor series and the calculus of finite differences.
Brook Taylor wasn't the only notable who died at about this age:
You've outlived Fatty Arbuckle by almost a week. He was an American comedic actor involved in Hollywood manslaughter scandal (1921). He died of a heart attack on June 29, 1933, 30 years before you were born.
Antonio Gramsci was almost two weeks younger than you when he died from poor health after a lengthy political imprisonment on April 27, 1937. He was a co-founder of the Italian Communist Party and Marxist political theorist of cultural hegemony. He died 26 years before you were born.
You've outlived Gwendolyn MacEwen by two weeks. She was an award-winning, multi-genre Canadian author best-known for her mythopoeic poetry. She died of complications of alcoholism on November 29, 1987, when you were 24 years old.
Perry Ellis was about two weeks younger than you when he died of AIDS-related viral encephalitis on May 30, 1986. He was a fashion designer and founder of a sportswear company. You were 23 years old when he died.
who have you outlived
Dead At Your Age