There's more that would need to be taught than critical thinking.
The buddhist concept of not being attached to anything has it's merits - any attachment can become an ideology.
Attachments come in all forms - associations, triggers, anchors, values, ideals, beliefs, morals, patriotism, nationalism, loyalty, consistency, culture, methedology etc, etc, etc...you get the feeling you are looking at almost all of human life?
All of the above suggest either an ingrained 'reasoned', or automatically triggered 'right way of doing things'...which if asked to be justified, can easily become ideology.
If you've ever read Robert Cialdini's Influence, the Psychology of Persuasion, you will also know there are many ingrained human responses to reciprocation, social proof, committment and consistency, scarcity, authority, and liking...responses that have little to do with 'reason' or 'critical thinking'.