I reckon around 250-300 books - 99% hardback - every Patricia Cornwell, John Grisham, forensic thrillers blah blah. Ex-hub took close onto 500- 600 when we split way back when- and I had to get rid of loads when I moved last year. Got a few cooking books - in a box - in the loft - HA!
Not sure why I keep them the ones I've read - don't read a book twice - whereas ex used to read his sci-fi books over and over again. Have a couple of hand made bookcases which are lovely - the books all sit there quite contentedly. Every so often, someone will come to the house
All my sons' books (hundreds upon hundreds), jigsaws, pictures and educ toys are taken to my school and fill up the library. Weird seeing all the kids playing with their stuff over the years. Nice tho. Kept the special books tho.
Collected Nat Geog mags - hundreds - gave them all to the docs surgery. Started a new subscription in January - here we go again...