I'm still unpacking boxes and have been here three years. I think I've looked in all of them and am still missing some things. Rearrangement has occurred, re the house, and plans for various sales venues like craig's list and ebay and amazon are stacking up.
- Umbrellas.. did I throw them out/give to St. Vincents? Probably.
- Glass measuring cups - I refuse to buy new ones since I know I would have kept those. I presently use a plastic freebee from Pacco's veterinarian for measuring kibble.
- A painting that I am fond of, a still life of garlic and a bowl of lemons, by Eric Fidjeland, not large, but also not tiny. If I don't upend it, I'll be bereft.
I suppose a box or two could have been taken by my movers, as that has happened to me before, decades ago, but I am doubtful of that. The box decades ago did have treasure in it, and I blame one or the other coke addicted persons back then, the theater director or my business partner's son.. This time it makes no sense, if, indeed, I find that painting missing.