solipsister, you are a troll. "one is nothing"? 1 = 0? What planet did you learn to count on?
Contrex - I don't know if the statement to which you took exception came from someone with little mathematical training or from an expert in initial-boundary value problems in relation to finite difference schemes, as outlined here, for instance >
> because in the latter case the statement actually makes perfect sense. As to the base of -1 on which some dimwit claimed you're operating: that claim can only have come from someone ignorant of the conjugate gradient method, at the very least, and can be safely ignored.
As to the base of -1 on which some dimwit claimed you're operating: that claim can only have come from someone ignorant of the conjugate gradient method, at the very least, and can be safely ignored.
Lol ... and some say that High Seas has no sense of humor.
0 Replies
Sat 21 Mar, 2009 12:05 am
@High Seas,
enjoyed the link so much hi c's icing
fourier's a jolly good fellow while poincare is not a conjecture
why don't you adversarial lads post some risible probs to qed
When I was a wee lad my grandfather 'larned' me there were only four types of integers 0, 1, prime, and composite (product of primes). I took that to heart and found that I excelled in arithmetic.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Jun, 2011 05:59 pm
@ebrown p,
ebrown I like what your question suggests. "What planet did you"...suggests that arithemtic is an expression of our species' physiology, and that elsewhere in the galaxy mathematical axioms that are self-evident "truths" for them may not seem so obviously true for us.