I Want Everyone to Meet Big Mac My New Baby!

Arella Mae
Reply Wed 1 Jul, 2009 02:58 pm
I had completely forgotten about this! The lady I bought Mac from had put some short clips of him on youtube and they are still there so, if you want, you can see him in action!

I went trail riding again with Mac today and what a dream. The trainer has him so well trained it takes virtually little effort on my part to get him to do anything. Click a bit and he walks faster, touch his middle and he trots, a bit harder touch and he lopes. Stopping him is so easy. I just barely have to pull the reins back and he slows down or stops. Dave did a marvelous job training him. Today I let him jump a little creek. He will walk it but Dave told me I needed to experience his jump! He was right! You can see him trotting, cantering, loping, and jumping in the short clips.

They had named him Clyde at The OWL Center because they got a mare and him in on the same day and called them Bonnie and Clyde. His registered name is Money Mac but he will always be Big Mac to me. Laughing

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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2009 12:50 pm
I am so happy I am about to bust! I went riding on Big Mac this morning. We went on a nice long trailride. I rode him without a bit! I used a hackamore (rope halter with reins) and he behaved perfectly. The slightest touch on the reins and he responds. He is so sweet and loving. Dave, the trainer, has been putting other people on Mac to ride and said there has not been one single problem. Dave's aunt rode him and said Mac took such good care of her. I could not be more pleased with the way this horse has turned out. He will be coming home the end of July and I can hardly wait.

I did find out that the horse that the woman wants to give away was not the kidbroke horse. The quarter horse she has hasn't been ridden in three years so that horse is out for my hubby. But! A friend had bought this rescued Paso Fino mare and her two year old (approx.). Johnny's nephew's brother-in-law Todd wanted a horse so I hooked him up with the Paso Finos. Well, he wants a big horse. Actually, he wants Indy, my Tobiano paint mare, but I'm not giving her up. I have wanted a Paso Fino since the first time I've seen one. They are gaited horses and are excellent for people that ride in their late years. One 81 year old man rides his every morning for three hours. Anyway, I talked to Todd today and told him if he pays for the breeding he can have a foal from Indy. He was thrilled with that! But, the best is yet to come! I asked him if he would be willing to trade the Paso Fino mare for the quarter horse because, of course, the quarter horse is bigger. He said yes! And, this is the best part, it looks like the Paso Fino mare is pregnant! So, all the way around everyone will be happy.

Todd gets a bigger horse and a baby from Indy. I get the Paso Fino and a baby and hubby can drive his danged old Viper all over the country! I think he was just placating me about riding. I don't think he is all that interested in it so I will let his car be his passion and the horses can be mine.

So, I will have Big Mac, Indy, the Paso Fino mare and a baby and Johnny can keep Hank like a pet dog like he already does and everyone is happy!

Oh, here is a picture of his car. He got this thing off ebay for an amazing price because the guy that owned it had to sell it due to health reasons. I've ridden in it once and that's enough. It's don't touch this, and don't touch that......too stressful. Besides, sitting in that thing is like sitting on the ground and it's noisy! Give me a horse anyday!

I wanted to share the good news about the horses with y'all!

This is an article from one of the Viper Club Trips.


This is Johnny and the car and the people he bought it from. He drove to Arizona and got the car.


And especially for you guys that like cars, here is the car all by itself.Laughing

Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2009 01:52 pm
@Arella Mae,
here's acouple of horses some neighbours own, i'm sorry i don't know their names

0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2009 01:59 pm
@Arella Mae,
and some horses i saw on the manitoulin island, again, i didn't ask their names

Arella Mae
Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2009 02:50 pm
Oh how beautiful! I love those black ones with the long hair on their feet. I always thought that really adds to a horse. I think horses are one of the most beautiful creatures God ever created.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2009 08:27 pm
Um, okay, I have no idea why that Image Shack notification is where it is. I thought I did something wrong. LOL!

What a day today has been! I rode Big Mac this morning. Oh what a horse. I cried I was so happy on him today. Rode again without that bridle and bit. He is trained to a feather touch and man, talk about awesome! I am sorry y'all. I can't help it. I am so happy right now.

Okay, update on the new horses. I was supposed to pick up the Quarter Horse that lady was giving me at five o'clock. I had talked to her this morning and she said five o'clock and we were both looking forward to meeting.

Well, at one o'clock she calls. She tells me that her daughter may want the horse and she will let her mom know this weekend so don't come get the horse. I have to tell you, I was disappointed, of course, but I was a bit miffed too. But, I was getting the horse for free so I guess I really don't have a right to be upset. Who knows? The daughter may say no and the horse will end up here anyway.

I did get the Paso Fino mare today and she is definitely pregnant! We are going to have a baby! I don't know when because I don't know when she got pregnant but that's okay. Hank, Johnny's horse is madly in love with her already. Her name is Little Miss Joy and her baby will be called Little Joy. I named them that in honor of my best friend who has lupus and is always there for me no matter what. She keeps me in line!

Anyway, here is a picture of Little Miss Joy. She is a little thing but what a cutie!


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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2009 11:46 am
Dave's girlfriend, Anna, who lives in England, has been putting videos of the horses out at Dave's on youtube. Big Mac is a star! Laughing Here is a link to the video, but you have to check the other videos on that link. You have to see the one: Jenna Lea. It is just too cute! That is Jenna Lea. She is the little thoroughbred filly of Dave's and what a doll! I think you will all enjoy the video of her. I wish it were clearer, but I think you'll still enjoy it.

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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 12:10 pm
I just got back from a two hour trailride on Big Mac. (Was kind of hoping a baby would be here when I got back, it's driving me up the wall waiting). I am a bit calmer today though.

What a wonderful time I had on Mac today. We loped and ran and jumped creeks! It was so much fun. Big Mac will be coming home on the 24th and I am so excited. He's going to have lots of friends here already. The two year old Paso Fino colt will be here this afternoon and hopefully that baby Paso Fino will have arrived by then.

I know one thing, Mac loves to go! Laughing

He is sooooooooooo funny! When we get done riding he always gets apple wafers and he loves them! This is a pic of him sticking his head in the tackroom door trying to get to the wafers!


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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 12:08 pm
O.................k, my ride on Big Mac this morning was different. We had a storm here last night and he was either a bit wound up because of it or because it was such nice cool weather this morning. He was a handful today but I didn't have any mishaps. Well, not until I got off him anyway. LOL

He spooked a couple of times on the trail but I one reined him in and he calmed right back down. He wanted so much to just go, go, go today! Dave was riding a horse that has a coughing problem so we had to just walk and Mac wanted to run. But, he did good. I was able to keep him at a walk and it was a nice ride.

After I got him unsaddled and was brushing him, he decided he was gonna run off after Princess, a pretty little paint horse, and in the process, he knocked me on my butt. I just fell backwards on my behind so nothing was hurt.

Mac will be coming home next Friday. Dave is going to take him on a really long ride next Thursday to see how he does on really long rides. Dave said he's gonna miss Mac. Sad
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 25 Jul, 2009 07:45 pm
Well, Big Mac is home! We went yesterday at about 4:30 to pick him up. We got home around 8:30. It seems the trainer needs to add something to his curriculum - how to load a horse in a trailer! I took nearly three hours to get that horse in the trailer. Horses are pretty claustrophobic and it's hard sometimes to get them in. I am going to be working with him here at home loading and unloading him. I want to be able to take him to the big trail rides Dave has a few times a year.

The other horses, Little Miss Joy, Miss Lulu, and Hank were pretty excited when we put Mac in the pasture. Hank is being a butt. He has got to go for some training or I'm going to shoot him. He has no discipline whatsoever. My husband treats him like a pet and lets him do whatever he wants.

I decided to tie Hank up away from the others to eat because he tries to steal their grain. Well, I was walking him toward the gate and he lunged and tried to run right over me. Scared the tar out of me for sure. I told hubby he goes for training or he's gone period.

I rode Mac this morning on our property for the first time and he did so well. It was such a joy riding him. Just me and my horse out in the woods on the trail. I can't describe it. Tonight he was just a bit nervous. I took him a different way and he wasn't as calm as usual but I still had no problem with him. I will be riding him first thing in the morning and every night.

Here is a picture of Dave trying to load him.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Jul, 2009 07:52 pm
djjd62 wrote:

and some horses i saw on the manitoulin island, again, i didn't ask their names


Your Big Mac is beautiful Aurella, and I am crazy jealous but happy for you. I haven't been on a horse in more than 10 years and have been out of the horse business for a long, long time now, but horses still can make my heart sing like no other critter can.

However, admittedly I'm a little rusty on breeds, but are those horse? Not mules? The white and the blaze face to the right are horses for sure.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 25 Jul, 2009 09:40 pm
Awww thanx Foxfyre. Yes, horses are one of the most beautiful creatures on earth I think.

I had that same thought about the donkeys. The faces definitely look donkey but their bodies are more horse. Wonder if maybe they are a crossbreed? I know there are Zee Donks so what would you call that? Horse Donk? LOL

Okay, I looked it up. They call them hybrids. Here is a link with some pics. I really think the pics posted above are hybrids and not all donkey.


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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2009 12:29 pm
I am pretty miffed. Yesterday, Hank, my husband's chestnut gelding, bit him! Hank has become a real problem lately and he is making a nervous wreck out of Big Mac and Little Lulu. Miss Joy is pretty fesity and she just kicks him so he doesn't bother her so much.

So, I have decided Hank is going over to Todd's. Indy is over there. Indy is Hank's sister. It will be just the two of them again. Todd is very good with horses and maybe he can knock some sense into Hank.

My husband has always treated Hank like he was a dog and not a horse. He thinks Hank is playing when he does these things but finally, he is starting to see just how dangerous Hank's playing can be.

Todd is going to put a really long and hard ride on Mac tonight to hopefully work that nervousness out of him. I can handle Mac okay but he's too nervous for my liking. He loves to run so I think it is what he needs. Hank will be going home with Todd tonight and I am praying this is gonna work.

After Todd gets Hank to where he will behave I'm going to send him to Dave and see if Dave can make a riding horse out of him. We always thought Indy would be the problem horse when we got them. But, Hank is THE BUTT!
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 13 Aug, 2009 12:04 pm
woohoo! My husband's nephew's brother in law came over for three nights and rode Big Mac for me. With Hank out of the pasture Mac is back to his sweet, calm, wonderful self! I rode him last night and it was wonderful. I will be riding him everyday now!
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 10 Sep, 2009 01:08 pm
@Arella Mae,
I have been riding Mac pretty much everyday, except for four days in a row. He somehow cut his forehead and I could not put his bridle on him because one of the front straps would have gone straight across the cut. So, I let it heal up just a bit but still decided to not use the bridle and bit. I've been riding him the past three days with reins tied to his halter. He has been doing fantastically! He is neck reining to the lightest touch and I have him on voice command to trot and to lope. He is almost there on voice command on stopping but not quite. He used to give me problems backing up but he has gotten so much better. I barely need to put any pressure on him and he responds.

He is doing awesome with sidepasses! Well, awesome if we go to the right. He's still a bit hesitant going to the left for some reason. I am having a blast riding him.

Yesterday, the girls (the passos) got out of the pasture before I could get the gate closed after Mac and I got in! Oh that was funny! Mac and I were rounding them up but no matter what, we couldn't get them back through that gate. The problem was easily solved though. I got off of Mac and got a bucket of grain and started shaking it. All three (Mac included) followed me through the gate. I got back on Mac and we went for a nice long ride! Laughing
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 9 Jun, 2010 05:34 pm
Well, there will soon be a new horse in my pasture. Another beauty will soon be added to my horse family. A girl at work is selling her 12-year old Arabian gelding. He is fully trained, been ridden for years, gentle as a lamb, and gets a long great with other horses. I am buying him for my husband for his birthday/our anniversary. His name is Buck and here he is:


And no, he is not named Buck because he Bucks. He has never kicked anyone nor ever bucked under saddle.
Reply Wed 9 Jun, 2010 05:56 pm
Oh, he's beautiful!
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 9 Jun, 2010 06:11 pm
Thank you Aldistar. I think so too. I just wish hubby would get home so he can see his present! I have the picture in an envelope with a bow on it. I told him he deserves a new Viper but I couldn't afford one so I got him an Arabian horse instead.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 9 Jun, 2010 08:01 pm
I am so happy and excited I am in tears. More than anything I just wanted to go horseback riding with my husband. He loves Buck! He is so excited about getting him here so we can go riding. I am soooooooooooooooooo happy!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2010 12:43 am
@Arella Mae,
Nice photograph, nice horse.
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