It's not only trying to face up to one's ego, (I think "ego" means more then id in this sense).
It's facing up to the reality that the ego/body is not you.
Sounds like Dianetics in reverse.

Of course the ego we are discussing is not the same (although there may be some overlap) as that in analytic psychology. Not ego vs. id and superego. This is ego vs. everything else..
LW, Dianetics? Wash your mouth.
I can understand why people come to these religious/spirituality threads to discuss spirituality. But, why would anyone want to discuss religion? Except, possibly, to support our right to disbelief, as edgarblythe said?
Spirituality is an intriguing subject, yet most here don't discuss spiritual experiences of their own. So, this is probably the reason I stay away from these subjects, now. Not one iota have I changed my thinking on these subjects by reading A2K or Abuzz posts.
The last experience I had with religion is the president at a public political meeting saying a "prayer" prior to opening such meeting. All anyone can do is "pray" for what they can get out of a thing, hoping the adversary will lose.
I'm finished with this subject, right now, today. Yeah.
Good distinction...Spirituality vs Religion.
As an atheist I still feel I have experienced moments of "spirituality" or "enlightenment" but they don't involve concepts of a deity..nor a compulsion to restructure either my life or those of others. This is where I depart from ideas like the Buddhist seven-fold path of "right action", "right thought" etc.
Fresco, I agree. But I like to think of the buddhist "paths" as prescriptions for nutritional behavior, not as judaic-christian style moral mandates. But I also do not concern myself much with thinking about them. I trust that common sense will do that trick. See you all in a week.
Whether technically a religion or not, Dianetics is decidedly a non-spiritual way of dealing with the ego. L. Ron Hubbard is their Buddha.
As much as egos are often displayed in this and the political forum, I don't think we have to worry about them being undefined.
Mr. Wizard, Didn't L.Ron Hubbard simply create this "religion" as a sorta' joke? Then it took off.
Not actually -- Scientology was introduced in a series on editorials by John W. Campbell (a Manhattan Project scientist also) in the old Astounding Science Fiction in the 1950's as a viable plan for individual happiness. It was offered quite seriously and then grew from there. In registering itself as a religion, of course, takes advantage of the tax exemption.
Well, just discovered a new word tonight. It's called religiosity.
It seems that George W. Bush is selling born againism to people who have problems with drugs, etc. He'll allow us to pay if THEY are born again. Hey, maybe he ain't so dumb after all.
Goodnight from the East coast of the peninsula.
third time for me in about 7 days - go figure.
People sure do flatter George Bush. He thinks "religion" pulled him up out of hell. But, religion is only a word. He could have studied under a Budhist monk, a 12-step program, or Scientology and accomplished the same, without listening to the ego telling him to convert everybody else.
George is just another bloke who needs to take that group that follows AA, (al-anon?)which would've saved him from becomeing one of those boring dopes who try to "save" everyone else. Lotsa those in this nek of the woods.
Oh no I thinking this thread is getting a politicalosity infection.
Politicalosity? That's politicalousness, I believe.
There is the benign definition of "religiosity" and then the rather negative meaning of the word:
re·lig·i·os·i·ty n. 1. The quality of being religious. 2. Excessive or affected piety.
So it depends on the context.
As to the two versions of political, I couldn't find either one in the Comet New American Dictionary.
Don't knock AA, Tex-Star, 'cause it does save about 10% of the people that attend meetings -- it doesn't take into account how many curtail or stop drinking without it, however, and doesn't really care. Bush is on a "One Step" program meaning finding Christ is keeping him from drinking but I suspect his "higher power" is really Laura Bush.
You might try "politicalization."
GWl, I was kidding. I often make words up. Politicallousness (skipped an l the first time...)
amused me as a word.