Fri 26 Sep, 2003 06:31 pm
It's been raining for several hours," Jones remarked to his partner as they pulled up in front of Jack Anderson's home. A bank robbery occurred earlier that day and a witness identified Anderson as a participant. Jones got out of the car and walked to the porch. Anderson answered the door and Jones questioned his whereabouts over the past two hours. "I was on a business trip" Anderson replied. "I got home about 1 minutes ago. Lucky I did because my oil light came on a couple of miles from home. "she is leaking oil so bad I wont even be able to drive her to the service station tomorrow." Jones went out side and ran his hand along the dry gravel until he felt the puddle of warm oil. The hood of Anderson's car was still warm to the touch. "Nice try" said Jones, "but I am afraid I'll have to take you in for further questioning" Why was Jones doubting Anderson's story?