I passed state exams in medical technology and landscape architecture, and a national board exam on landscape architecture.
But I stopped with the license for med tech several years after I stopped working in the field, and landscape architecture is such a wide ranging field that I just about distrust anyone who says they're an expert except in one or a few facets of the whole field.
I took some huge number of studio art courses, guessing 30 or more since I kept taking advanced painting for the discipline (6x), and printmaking for the use of the huge press late at night (6x). But my knowledge of art history is interest borne only, unless you count beginner courses, which I don't.
On Italy, I'm a generalist without portfolio, but I've read several hundred books - probably more - in a non memorizing way, or even outline form way, just reading, and have delved into some places in depth, each of which some writers at Bell'Italia magazine know much more about than I do, or did when I used to subscribe to it, in the early nineties - which involved effort for me to work out all the italian. I have certain interests and (have or had) a nifty publisher, but that has gotten to be more of a dream sequence as I continue to not follow through. My particular interest is in spatial design in cities and towns through history, and the human experience in found and designed spaces.
On food, I'm an opinionated enthusiast, generally an ordinary cook who once in a while has cooked a sublime dish. I tend to follow some of the tentacles of the food world postings, but am not berserk about it all. Only read fifty or so food blogs - I guess they call it food porn.
What else, photography, no expert - but avid.
Adds, I consider a lot of people here now and earlier as experts, listen to many.