sacred adj. -
4. Dedicated or devoted exclusively to a single use, purpose, or person:
sacred to the memory of her sister; a private office sacred to the President.
5. Worthy of respect; venerable.
Nothing to do with God or material mythology, just the idea of value, usefulness, and respect for that.
A) Electrical energy is a physical force.
Anger is an emotional force.
$1000 is a financial force.
Reputation is a social force.
Television is a marketting force.
Appreciation or the will to live is a spiritual force.
All seven things can be used to accomplish work, and in fact, to enrich our lives -- animation.
There is no single wave in the ocean, but waves do exist.
The spirit or nature of things around us is a complex and qualitative thing.
Kind of like "art" -- a generic term for multiple aspects of many things.
B) Anger seems noncorporeal in that I cannot prove that I'm angry, or locate it physically, but the combination of qualities is unmistakable. Can you locate a corporeal thing that is actually precisely "7"? Can you locate something that is "beautiful"? Where did the "beauty" start and end? Interesting...
Still, I wouldn't call an emotion like anger spiritual. What we consciously do with anger is where spirit comes in.