Quote:2, not what was cut out of the book - such as the proper ending - but what was added in, for no good reason. The first movie wasn't too bad in this respect but the second and third had plot elements never found in the books, which did not advance the story or characters in any meaningful way.
Oh yeah, especially the Aragorn-Arwen crapola they came up with.
Quote:3, the false need to create an 'important' female character for the movies, ie Liv Tyler. The books featured very few female characters and they played a minor role in what was essentially a story written about men and their struggles and tribulations. Of course, Hollywood insists on a female character to draw in women; but it was really ham-handed and sort of offensive, the way they handled it.
The strongest female character in the book, and the one most present in the book's narrative, was Éowyn. They completely screwed that up. No offense to the actor who played her, but i thought the role was badly cast, too.