Don't you think it was sad?
Should we sell tickets to his suicide?
Do you think anyone would come?
Am I not enjoying this immensely?
does everyone have stretch marks on their tractors?
Can we leave stretch marks out of the equation?
I can, but do you think Dyslexia can?
Why don't you ask him directly?
does he have to have a mind?
Does HE have stretch marks? Does HE feel my pain? Can HE walk in my shoes? Can HE really be that cute underneath that hat?
Can we still go on that trip?
did you ever take a trip baby, down on the Mobile line?
Do you want to go? Should we ask everyone else? Did we decide how we were going to get there? Do we know where we're going?
I tripped over a Wichita lineman...does that count?
So THAT'S where we're going?
if i knew where I was going, would i be there already?