Why didn't you tell me you had a stretch tractor?
Don't you know I live near Hollywood and can get you any kind of limo you want?- Ones with jacuzzi's and fireplaces, any color, and stretch humvees?
Does kochtopf ever tell us anything?
Does Beth ever run out of verbal harpoons? Is her supply inexhaustible?
fealola wrote:Don't you know I live near Hollywood and can get you any kind of limo you want?- Ones with jacuzzi's and fireplaces, any color, and stretch humvees?
When can you get it? What are we going to tell Gus?
Didn't he say his tractor was a stretch? Aren't you cool with that?
Why is my stretch tractor looked upon with disdain? Why? Why? Why?
Are you mad at me? Did I say something wrong? Will you forgive me?
Gustav has to wonder about his stretch tractor and our feelings about it? Can we get you on the couch two more days a week?
Doesn't eveyone know that I love Gus's stretch tractor?
Cav, are you trying to get us on the couch?
Do think Cav is struggling with his inner demons? Is his insecurity trying to direct us toward the couch? Is he in denial?
Do you think he can be helped?
Should we have him euthanized? Would that be too drastic?
I shouldn't be concerned about people in obvious need? When it comes to demons, are you an innie or an outie? Is there anything more annoying than hearing high school football practice outside your window as clear as day? Is denial not just a river? Have I been spending wayyy too much time in the Marriage and Relationships forum? Is the couch a casting couch?
Why isn't it spelled Youthanized?
Are you feeling better now, Cav? Does talking about your problems help? Should we stay and listen to you, Cav?
Won't you let us help you with these terrible problems you're having?