Do I think that those are some interesting ideas, Bo? Do you consider this to be why prison does not work in England? And, if it should be curing, which it should (were it able,) then why should it be punishment until then? Is this the only feasible option, despite adding to the negative behaviour?
The problem is getting the social sciences to 'catch up' with the level of violence created by our ill managed, and greed laden societies.
Think of how much of your own life has been wasted on the chore of locking up, and unlocking your doors, and belongings; all in the name of 'property'.
If we could break out of the cycle of manufacturing, advertising, and selling 'things' for the relatively wealthy to purchase, even though most of them are unneeded, or are replacing 'things' that are not worn out; fueling the jealousy of the disenfranchised classes, which compete by criminal warfare on society in general.
Sharing with all, is the only way to eliminate the greed of the rich, and the need of the poor.
dròm_et_rêve wrote:I do often write lots when it comes to injustice, don't I? England is probably worse than America for injustice, is it not? Now, I don't think that the death penalty should be used, because that is far too an easy way out for these awful people, is it not? But, what to do instead? Life imprisonment in a cell without trimmings would be a start, would it not? They ruined people's lives; so, instead of using 'an eye for an eye,' perhaps they should be treated according to what they are: subhuman (without going all Nazi?)
Oh, you will tell what happens to me regarding this trial, will you not? Do you think that he will be found guilty? What were his motives; are they known?
As for our political system; it's not that we have to vote for a party -- though our choices are very limited-- but it's something worse: if you are a Labour party politician, and there is a vote, you cannot vote for what you think is rights, but rather you must vote for what Tony Blair thinks is right; so, basically, we have no democracy, you see? He can push through anything, and we can elect no one to stop it; is it not a disgrace? Would you ever stand for election, Dev? (Do you have to pay, like here?) Will you vote independent this November, do you think?
As for the voting age-- the whole thing is ridiculous; you may ask why: why? Because nearly ninety-percent of people over here are politically ignorant, and there are quite a few politically aware youth; so why go by age? Perhaps a 'comprehension' test would be a good idea, to stop wasted votes? Or would this infringe on democracy? Have you heard that 750,000 votes (by adults) were cast for a fascist party over here?

I should bet that all your nieces and children will have sense when they vote, 'oui?' Are your children and their aunt close?
My goodness, have you said a lot? Do I think England is worse than America? Possibly so, but not by much! I think the prison system in both of our countries sounds messed up! I like your ideas! I have some of my own, but I ponder more than I express. Does that make sense, besides, if I were to write them here, I'm afraid it'd be quite long-winded!
Bummer about the democracy! We don't have to pay to vote. That just doesn't seem right! I know there are many politically inept, but what's worse here, at least to me, are those who don't exercise that right! Voter turn-out, especially for 'minor' elections is abyssmal! It would be interesting to see what would happen if they lowered the voting age! Voting for a fascist, really? What was the platform? What were THEY thinking?!
Oh, and as for the Scott Peterson trial, I will keep you posted. If I find a link would you like me to send it on? I'll tell you more about the whole thing when I hear more.
And as for my kids and their Aunt, yes they are all pretty close. I just wish we lived closer together! (Chicago is about a 3 hr. drive).
Had I written a lot indeed? I shall try to make this post more brief, won't I? Do you know that one of my biggest problems is brevity, whether it be in journals, exams, nearly everything? In fact, the only thing in which I can be brief is creative writing, did you know? I wrote hundreds of pages in Spain alone, looking at everyone and everything that interested me, and, in school, was I not notorious for needing about fifteen additional pages each exam, and still not writing all that I would have liked to? My problem, I guess, is one of always wanting to be occupied, and, in writing, one of not wanting for forget anything while corresponding, right? And I would like to hear your ideas whenever you want to tell them; do I not mind about long-windedness? After all, if someone like you were writing, it would not be long-winded, don't you agree?
I am beginning to think that England and America are just as bad, am I not? Have you seen 'Fahrenheit 9/11?' I was absolutely disgusted when I heard that all the stations apart from Fox called Florida as being Democrat; and then they changed it, did they not, because Fox said so? I wonder why we did not hear much about the intricacies of the decision? Perhaps because our media is controlled by Fox here too?
As for voting-- is it better that someone does not vote, or votes for a fascist? That is quite a question, is it not? As for the fascists, they are a terrorist party called the BNP, who want to get rid of everyone apart from the English; how myopic, no? They have been proven to be connected to many bombings, and people vote for them so because immigrants are the scapegoats; it is sad, is it not, that people should vote for terror?
That would be very kind of you, re the trial, Dev; does not it just sound gruesome? (And, at least you're not on the other sides of America, I guess?)
I had been wondering whether I had scared everyone away with my last post, hadn't I?
It wouldn't be the first time, would it?
How could you even suggest such a thing?
Did you not just say that I bored people away?
Can't a person have a little fun with his friends once in a while?
I thought you had fun with animals only ?
You're a pretty bright guy, aren't you?
I know, Gus, I was playing with you; don't you know that I could never not forgive you?
Gautam; how have you been? Isn't that nasty? Didn't you ever hear of Gus's adventures in Wichita?
Gus was witchity wooing in Wichita?
Did I miss something?
Is everyone having a good day?
I'm having a great day, ehBeth; and you?
Did your friend figure out the Mongolian poem? I was cut off for an age, but I gave it to a friend in St. Petersberg, and she said that she would translate it and send it post haste, if I found that she hadn't done it, OK?
Where did the Wichita post go?
Does anyone else here start to sing "Wichita Lineman" whenever they see the word Wichita?
Can I turn the balance of this response into a question?
Drom, can you imagine the shock I had to discover that that love poem was from another woman

to my friend's husband? Would you be surprised to hear she kicked him out?
Yay, I thought that it was only me; do I really feel great tonight? Perhaps we should sing along?
What??! Do you know, I'm shocked? What did your friend (S.?) say to the man who passed it on?!