Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 01:07 am
Do you know that I am surprised by the emotional strength of songs that at the time meant nothing special? Can you imagine how it is, putting together a memorial service for your husband, and having to play all the old CDs to choose different songs to go into the service?When I tell you I cried more then that at any other time since his death, would you believe me?
0 Replies
drom et reve
Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 08:43 am
O, Clary; don't you know that we're here for you? Does it have to be you who chuses? You know that you're in my thoughts, don't you?

And, isn't it amazing, Cinnethesia, that we have the same favourite Ziggy albums? I like Dragonfly too, though, don't you? There are a few old albums of his that I don't have; do you have his oldest stuff?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 11:08 am
Oh, Clary! Can I only imagine what you're going through? And do you know I second drom-'s sentiments?

Do you know I like Ziggy, but don't have any of his music? Shame on me?!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 01:17 pm
Isn't it good to resuscitate this old thread, and see the kind comments of my A2K friends? Am in not an exile at the moment from my own living room which has a TV, showing a football game between England and Portugal, and Tam, Bruno, Phil, Kherrin, Bert, Jamie and Heron watching it? Did I not feed them all lamb curry and vegetables in ginger and rice, an hour since? Am I a saint or what? Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Jun, 2004 02:00 pm
Aren't you the best?! Lamb sounds good, doesn't it?
Don't you just sound like the 'hostess with the most-est?!" What time is it there?
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drom et reve
Reply Fri 25 Jun, 2004 03:30 pm
Will I reply for Clary? It's half ten at night here; how about where you are, Dev? Do you know that I can't abide any sort of sport to watch, even though I like to practice a few?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jun, 2004 04:29 pm
Is it not about 6:30pm here? Was I not just trying to figure the time difference? Must be about 4 hours, mustn't it? Do you know I can watch some sports for short spans of time, but I'd rather watch live? Didn't I go to our local minor league baseball team game just this last Saturday? What sports do you like to practice, drom-?
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Reply Fri 25 Jun, 2004 04:36 pm
May I thank Drom for answering for me? Could it be that I went to check on the game because of the enormous amount of cheering, and got so caught up in the suspense that I stayed to watch the whole thing? And haven't I got an inkling that the hostess with the mostest would not have an untidy house, nor would leave her guests to sit all over the floor and bring their own beers? Didn't I retaliate tonight by watching 'Message in a Bottle', have any of you seen it? It's quite a weepie, especially for the recently widowed, isn't it?
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drom et reve
Reply Fri 25 Jun, 2004 04:40 pm
If you're in Michigan, the time difference is 5 hours, isn't it? What sports are those that you prefer to watch live? Who won in the match?

As for what I like to practise; I've been fencing for a long time: about ten years? Also, I like playing tennis and badminton, and swimming; the anti-social sports, as some would call them: do you know that, although I love people, I dislike working in a team, in most circumstances?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jun, 2004 05:27 pm
Maybe the time difference IS 5 hours as opposed to 4? Did you know we have to deal with 4 time zones in the US? My sister lives in Chicago, about 3 hours away, and is 1 hr. behind us (EST) in time!
BTW, her baby (girl) is due any day - actually due on my birthday, the 30th - here's hopin'!

As far as sports, don't I prefer to watch football, baseball and soccer (your football, right?) LIVE. Can't stand a televised game unless it's the Superbowl or something social. Don't I love to walk/ (race-walk on a rare secluded occasion because it looks so silly), swimming, raquetball, a little volleyball, tennis, badminton too.
You appear much more social than anti-social on a2k, but I suppose real life is different. Fencing, huh? Wouldn't I like to try that?
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drom et reve
Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 01:35 am
O, I'm social; did I give a wrong idea? I just like tranquility at certain things, you know? By the way, it is five hours' difference between us; I remember teaching myself all these things about everywhere in the vain hope of travelling, when I was young: I wonder why everyone else in my family are so opposed to new places?

You sound very active; do you know that I thought that you would be? What do you think is the difference between watching them on the television and being live; the atmosphere? And, don't you know that I'll be thinking of you and, hopefully, her child on the 30th while I'm packing? Will I offer a huge '¡¿Jubilaciones!?' Do you know, due to the huge influx of immigrants here, hospitals are no longer allowed to predict sex? Some people throw themselves down the stairs to kill their child, if it is a girl; isn't it awful?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2004 08:30 pm
Aren't I glad you're social? You sound seem so solitary at times, as if you've had some tragedy in your life. You know, I am pretty active, but at times feel like a complete slug!
I suppose the difference between live and televised IS the atmosphere? And I will accept your congratulations in advance and for me, the aunty and for my sis and her little one - still waiting! You are going to Armenia, right? Will there be a travel digression?
And about the child 'endangering' - that is truly awful. Haven't I heard that they would do that in China, but is it also true in England?
0 Replies
drom et reve
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2004 03:09 am
You are right, you know, I can be very solitary-- not necessarily because of choice, but because of, I don't know; circumstances, and the people around me? Also, my sometimes solitariness is caused by my choices and opinions about things pertaining to relationships, probably. I base my life around other people; but, I hate packed places like bars, because I find them like a public spectacle, like flies around rubbish, if that's clear? I am social with everyone, even strangers, but I prefer to be somewhere secluded, with only a few, rather than with many; I find being with many people claustrophobic: I prefer to focus on a few; how about you?

I don't know; I remember being dragged to a football match when I was about thirteen, and throughout it, I was wanting to be somewhere else, because of the noise; but, it must be more exciting to be at the game if you like it, isn't it? The adreneline is greatened, or something? Sorry; do you know that I am often incomprehensible when I don't get ten hours of sleep, at least?

AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEV, can I wish you one?


J'espère que vous ayez un jour très bon,
J'espère que vous ayez une bonne année;
J'espère que vous êtes beni tous sa vie;
Et que vous verrez toutes les fleurs de Mai!

What did you get, or do? I hope that you've had a lovely day, isn't it obvious? Do I hope that your niece will be born to-day? Will you keep us informed?

I will certainly keep you informed, about my travels! For the first week, I will be without a computer Sad; but, after that, I will be able to tell you everything about my journey to Armenia, won't I? I'll be going through many European countries, because I'm doing a 'poetry in translation' project; and, knowing me, I'll end up in the most unusual places, like the last time, if you were here for it?

It is true; because, for quite a few strict Muslim families, they find it better that the child be dead than be a girl, subjected to such discrimination; would it not be more logical, then, to remove the discrimination? This world is never logical, though, is it?

0 Replies
drom et reve
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2004 03:10 am
O, did I forgot to mention that I might be about two months in Europe, due to having to get a residents' permit? Although most people would complain about this, you know that I find this good, don't you?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2004 07:05 pm
Do I not thank you for the birthday wishes and the lovely song?! You sound a bit like my husband when it comes to crowded claustrophobic places. He can't stand to be anywhere he feels he can't get out...especially where there are lots of people like a concert. I am like you when it comes to being without sleep. I don't do well. I had the worst insomnia this week, haven't I? It seems to go in bizarre cycles that somehow resolve themselves.
Do you know I was reading something about hypothyroidism that really sounds like me! Mightn't I have to check that out? Too bad I can't afford the doc, huh?!
Well, for my birthday, my kids gave me breakfast in bed along with their home made gifts. It was so sweet. My mom took me to lunch and shopping. Got pizza for dinner with family & friends & am lunching with a friend tomorrow. Hubby will take me out and 'gift' me Saturday. The handyman business is so busy this time of year that we have to take it as it comes so we reserve celebrations for the week ends. My niece is not yet born as of this writing, but she still has couple hours to show her little face on my day, so here's hoping!
I wasn't on a2k before, on your last trip. I've been here since 'Leap Year Day' this year & made it with Clary to the far east until she had to cut it short.
And again about the whole girls having no value - isn't it a shame? I know they do that in Muslim cultures because the males stay with & take care of the family, but the girls go & become part of their husband's family. Such a shame it doesn't mean more to raise a good girl/woman/wife, you know? I agree with what you said about discrimination being illogical & that it's too bad the world can't see it that way. Do you know I heard an interesting statistic?...Humans of different races, colors etc. are only some millionth of a percentile different from each other? It had something to do with basic human genetics. But I came away from hearing that thinking 'What an infinitesimal difference! It would seem that we should all get along just for the fact that we are human, shouldn't we?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2004 07:08 pm
Oh my, I do seem to have written a novel, haven't I? I meant also to say that I wish you the best 'bon voyage' possible, don't I? Wouldn't I love to be traveling with you, but will definitely do if only vicariuosly?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2004 08:33 pm
May I extend two heartfelt wishes here? May I wish Drom a wonderful journey and may I say:

0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2004 08:37 pm
I should let you, shouldn't I? And so I will! And do I thank you? (But of course I do!)
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drom et reve
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2004 12:34 pm
Oh, I'm glad to hear that you had a great birthday; is there anything that you have in mind as regards your present, or do you prefer having a surprise? Was your niece borne? If not, then, she will at least be born under the same star-sign as you, won't she?

As for claustrophobia; it's not that I don't feel as if I can go out; more as though I feel, how could one put it, repressed in some way? I think that it's a busy atmosphere with lots of noise that makes mental claustrophobia, rather than one cause d by physical things, you know?

Do you sometimes get narcolepsy after weeks of insomnia? Do you know that I have hypothyroidism that was diagnosed late, when I was seventeen. Your medical system has always bemused me; how can it be that, in a 'land of Opportunity,' one needs money to, practically, live?

You know, is not that one of the great things about A2K, that it seems as though we were welcoming you here centuries ago? I can hardly imagine things before this January, when I started posting rather frequently; can you imagine not having found here?

Anyway, won't you always be able to come along with my travels, even if it is only in your imagination? I will be writing the first part of my e-travels with Drom post, soon; am I not getting very excited about things, especially about getting away from these awful people and being somewhere new?

It is stupid, race distinction, is it not? But it will continue, as everyone thinks that his or her way of living is what is right; that's what happeed in Africa, isn't it? I wish that everyone had independence and liberty; I guess it's a pipe dream, sadly, isn't it? What can an individual do, 'though?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2004 06:42 pm
Wow, drom- you're almost as verbose as I am! As far as presents, I like surprises, but I give hints to my hubby! He says 'My gift will be ready on Saturday.' Rather cryptic, but if I push I could find out. I'm too 'clever' for my own good that way, so I won't.

I don't really get narcoleptic. I almost wish I would! I just gradually get more and more tired until I crash one day and sleep a long time, like 16 hours or so. It's pretty awful. I feel like a slug, even though I know I'm not really to blame. When I was pregnant with my son, my insomnia along with panic attacks was so bad that I didn't sleep for 4 whole days - really! It was awful.
I really hate our health care system too! We make too much money to get public help and not enough to afford insurance. It just really ticks me off to think about it.

I just realized I'm supposed to be talking in questions! Oh well. Am I glad I stumbled onto a2k? You bet! I would do the most menial things when I was awake nights or play some silly computer game until I could go to sleep. I just wish more people were on when it's the middle of the night here!

You are leaving quite soon for Armenia, are you not? Tomorrow? I hope you really enjoy your trip, don't I? Don't you know I look forward to your travel digression? Bon Voyage, Ana!
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