Setanta is right in principle, however his lack of historical knowledge prevents him from being accurate.
Occam's Razor is basically the scientific tie-breaker. Basically there are some arguments which have their own internal logic, and which fit the facts, so on the face of it would appear true.
One case of these is ad hoc arguments: e.g. Answer god wills it this way. This can be used for any argument, even to argue logical contradictions.
Ptolemaic astrology explained the universe in terms of circles and cycles. However it didn't fit the universe. Every time his predictions were wrong he just added a few more circles and cycles.
Kepler and Copernicus (much later---say a millenia) argued in favour or a new explanation. The Ptolemaics argued in favour of more circles and cycles.
Keplers system involved elliptical orbits in a heliocenctric system. Sadly he fiddled his results which didnt help his cause.
The argument was seeing as there were two explanations, lets pick the simplest case. In practice Occams razor is partly political: Astrology had been around several 1000 years, and its followers weren't going to go away.
They would be arguing for more circles and cycles to this day. Occam's razor helped us all move on. Until the Russians and Sputnik anyway finally gave the last rites to Ptolemy.
It can be argued that god wills it for any proposition: its why Creationists, despite being proved wrong repeatedly, continue to exist.
Darwin was preferred by Occam's razor as it at least that way the religionists could be side stepped. Logic wasn't going to beat them.
Back to the topic: I am often amazed by watching the sun rise and moved to give thanks for each new day. But thanks to who exactly?
In the end the world is a wonderful place with or without god.
As for Nietsche's primitive, evolution saw him off. Scientists have better guns. I'm on their side. Praise the lord but pass the ammunition.