Acquiunk wrote:There is one piece of objective evidence in this report. There was an object with a radar signature of a C135, The is one piece of fairly solid evidence, a lot of people say they saw a light in the sky. There is one piece of patent nonsense, the jet's electrical system failed and the pilot had to break off. If the electrical system on those jets fail, they crash.
What exactly is it solid evidence of? As someone said before, if it had the radar signature of a C135, why not assume it was a C135? Why invent 'alien spaceship' explanations when they aren't necessary?
Remember, these are UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS! Stop pretending you've identified them, people.
Quote:I have a relative who works for the NSA. The NSA collects an immense amount of data, much of which they review and then file. Simple because it was in the NSA's files does not give the event instant credibility. The fact that it is an unclassified report suggests they did not think much of it.
Oh, I'm sure the conspiracy nuts will have a field day with it anyhow. It's all meant to lead us off-track, right? The government is really controlled by E.T. and all that...