Fri 26 Dec, 2008 10:25 pm
I played Rock Band last night for the first time. Sang "Roxanne" and scored 81. Got only a 63 on "Should I Stay or Should I Go" but got a big 100 on "Gimmie Shelter". It was fun. Have you played it? What song did you choose to perform and how did you score?
w00t video games!
I like singing sabotage until my voice hurts. I score high too.
ummm, well i got the achievement for finding the cave with the singing vortagunt in half life 2, does that count
I play Guitar Hero - have not been able to play Rock Star sounds like fun! Maybe for their birthday I'll get it!
djjd62 wrote:
ummm, well i got the achievement for finding the cave with the singing vortagunt in half life 2, does that count
Only through a portal to a black mesa in a little big world would that kind of thing count.
Wish Rock Band would expand their repertoire. Some Tina maybe? Do you think that the game might turn-off alot of actual groups and performers and that's why the playlist is so limited? Oh well. It's a fun game all the same.