Fri 26 Dec, 2008 06:44 pm
Does anybody here play it? If so, let me know and we can while away the hours...c'mon, I know you waaaant to. Belly up to the scrabble game, people! Mac11, Clary, jes, I know you're into it.
I have a facebook acct but don't use it much. Post a link to what you are talking about and I'll check it out. I love Scrabble.
Yeah I'm into it. Challenge me, babe.
Buttrflynet, you have to go onto the Facebook page and download the scrabble game (s in a box) and then you can create a game and invite people to play with you. I'm not as computer-savvy as Jes, so maybe she has a better way to tell you.
Jes, why not create a game?
jes, you gotta add me again. I deleted about 15 people because my page was full of all their stuff. Or just use my email -
[email protected].
Ah, you have restricted privacy settings, according to Facebook.
Who's idea was this, anyways, eh?
no facebook, me and Gram Scrabbled for X-mas...
When I saw that Clary was playing and tried to go there I was told US and Canada aren't worldwide or something like that. Are you not doing Scrabble Worldwide on Facebook? Is there another download?
I LOVE SCRABBLE and have no one to play with here.
(Drats! I really shoulda had Christmas with Rock and Gram.)
<smooches back> - I got another scrabble game for Christmas

There used to be a bunch of us that were all into Scrabble for a while, and we had a very long thread going. Maybe it could be of use to youse guys.
no you can play with anyone who's i=on facebook. whaddoi know? but i'm currently playing with someone in PA, so...
That's still my favourite online Scrabble.
Don't dig the facebook variant.
I don't know what i=on means.
I tried again and it still pops up that I can't play. Have you joined the A2K group, yet? (
Click on me there or search my name and invite me to be your friend. Then I can try doing it through your link to Scrabble as it appears on your Wall. Clary's link seems to know my location.