Its obvious that you have absolutely NO idea of what you speak gunga. Youve diplayed total ignornce of the writings in evolutionary biology by the above mismatch of terminology. Im not going to let you slip under the tent by your "much speaking".Your attempts at sounding mildly scientific are laughable and similar to the statement of "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"
Punctuated equilibrium is an observed phenom that is only seen from the fossil recod. SO do you accept that rapid speciation (not saltation as you seem to try to befuddle us with) does occur? The fossil record, is replete with sveral major genera examples of PE. However, speciation IS NOT punctuated equilibrium. By your very bulleted posts you contradict yourself and Im making sure that you try to understand..
gamblers Ruin, has been used for decades by statisticians , with a specialized lingo grown up about it.The paths and outcomes of Gamblers Ruin are bcalled "Random Walks", where, once started, a random walk has no tendency to return to a level previously occupied, with "absortion boundaries " that rep under what conditions the players will go broke.
In an extinction context (see Raup 1981), we see the gamblers stake as the number of species in an evolutionary clade. (eg, say our stake is a genus with 10 species living at the same instant in the geological past). Our time scale wont be set like a casino clock but lets use a million years for every time interval. So for every million years each species has a fifty fifty chance to survive to the next million year time interval. If it survives, it has a fifty fifty chance of producing new species.
What happens?
1THE number of species (the diversity) will fluctuate just like in a random walk. Extinction lowers diversity.
2Eventual extinction of the genus is inevitable. This may appear counterintuitive but , an absorption boundary of ZERO SPECIES is the single limitational feature of the random walk. There is no upper absorption boundary, but the random walk is bound to hit the lower absorbing limit.Because our time sequences are so huge, the inevitability of extinction has no effect upon diversity and numbers. Speciation is an effect of adaptation thatis well displayed in the fossil record and the use of punctuated equilibrium is just total bullshit. Most scientists arent even certain that the mechanism is even valid.
2The "unambiguous lack of intermediate fossils" is pure bullshit and all you Cretinists are well aware of it. The fossil record is loaded with "intermediate forms" that you know in your hearts if you were to acknowledge , youre worldview would crumble. The exam[ples of fish-amphibians, bird-lizards, mammal-reptiles, human-hominids, proto cambrian simple fish with only notochords and gills but no other fishlike features, land bound cetaceans,sabre toothed marsupials (shows the preferential feature across clades), gymno-angiosperms, flower protofetaures , . The "Treatise on Vertebrate Paleontology has thousands of pages devoted to "intermediate types". That statement you made is just from a lack of meaningful understanding underpinned by a religious conviction that is ambivalent to the use of your "God given brain".
Breeding isolates have been studied in living species all over the world. Examples of species that have been isolated are interesting laboratories for the mechanisms of evolution. To deny that they exist is just foolish and shows a lack of any understanding on your part. To just deny a phenom despite overwhelming evidence is what most animist religions display. You seem to like to make a legend out of these phenomena rather than try to evaluate them.
3 This "Mebane fella" (Im not familiar with his " works"). To exclaim that beneficial mutations are rare or noexistent is not far from the truth. Its been calculated that mutations occur in somatic cells in an individual at an amazingly high rate. These mutations are seldom "beneficial" vbecasue they occur along a string of coding or non coding or extra genetic DNA. The mutations are , at best, neutral or non lethal. The environment confers the advantage upon any mutation (or result of somatic change without any mutation). To consider evolution as purely mutation driven is so last decade Gunga, get with the recentanalyses.
4Your one argument about the fatal nature of pnctuatedequilibria is not too far from fact. As I stated before, most all genera will become extinct and we must understand that old chestnut from Carroll who stated that " ANY SPECIES SO FINELY ADAPTED TO A SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENT< IS ALSO HELD PRISONER BY IT". Not a bad way of simply stating what you make out to be some scientific conspiracy.You want to explain everything in terms of PE , when even the real scientists dont fully accept it as a valid mechanism. Its merely an observation based phenom, the mechanisms are not genetically observable. Whereas the genetics of speciation are clearly understood. Speciation IS NOT Punctuated equilibrium. PE is merely an explanation , ferom the fossil record only, to explain the sheer appearance of advanced species much sooner after a lower strata would predict using normal slow speciation. SInce this was purely a geologic answer to a problem of species appearnace, Gould and Eldredge never really looked at their strata data. Recent studies of detail correlation have shown that (from detaile laminae isotopic studies) that greater time periods have actually passed in between one species and its apparent "PE'd" daugher (or that, in one or two cases, the daughters werent even daughters except by inference).
SO to claim that actual observable speciation mechanisms are an example of Punctuated Equilibrium , is disengenuous and is someones attempt at science fraud.