Intrepid wrote:
Chai also seems to be closed minded when it comes to anything of a religious nature, just as she accuses foxfyre of being on things that are outside of her belief system. That is not a criticism, just an observation.
The only thing that I can see that may be harmful in a gay marriage where (procreation, as Chai puts it, is not a problem) is the effect on children born into such circumstances that are outside of the norm for the vast majority of children.
On the contrary, I've accused no one of anything.
ff repeatedly makes statements such as others must think she's terrible, and must think she's this or that.
I've never said she was terrible, I've never called her any names at all.
seems to me ff wants to play the part of the persecuted christian, and whoever speaks their own minds are the lions.
To be clear, I'm not forcing anyone to accept anything. However, when they can't give clear explanations about what their fears are, discourse is not possible.
Re your concern Intrepid, about the children, you yourself say you can see where it MAY be harmful, not where it would be.
My idea on this is; if a gay couple want a child, they have to go through extra measures to get one. They have to really want this child.
How many children are conceived by heterosexuals that are unwanted, were an accident, or are born to couples that have no business or no concept of what it would take to raise a productive member of society. People who raise children that will be the one's that will try to torment the children of gays.
I think gay couples will raise children that will by necessity have to be quite resiliant around the children who were calved from some cow who smoked during her pregnancy, smacks them around, and sends her kids off to school with a belief system that mocks anything different from their them.
I'm thinking the number of abused children with gay parents would be a very small percentage of abused children overall. Would the % be zero? Of course not. Would it be lower than the average. I believe so.
If a childs raised in a loving home, they are so far ahead of kids abused in their home, they'll deal with the world just fine.
I'm also not closed minded to religion at all. Your saying it certainly does not make it so.
I am opposed to ignorance, and blindly following without question.
The vast majority of children throughout the ages have had to work much sooner and physically harder than children in the majority do today. Not working would have been outside the norm from the vast majority of children. Was it harmful for those children who lived in families where they did not have to work?
Outside the norm changes constantly.
What is "the norm" anyway? No one is an example of some "norm"