I haven't looked lately. There are a lot of people out there with the short part of my first name, which I go by, plus my last, so then I don't see myself for several pages if then. If I look up my full first name with last name, I too drag up some medical papers. I was author (not prime) on a couple and thanked on another bunch. That was a long time ago. Now I probably couldn't begin to explain them, or perhaps even read them. Trying to remember, though, they might have cost money to access.
There's one newspaper interview of my business partner and I that I hope doesn't ever show up. The interviewer made something like 68 factual errors, misquotes, or typos (we counted), plus the photo was atrocious - yet another lesson in humility for us. That was shortly after followed by her daughter framing it, nicely, at some fair expense, for us to hang in the office. We hid it. Luckily, she didn't live near our area so wouldn't just drop in.