Oil Monger
Ok, i have decided to start a google bomb on dick cheney. For those of you who dont know, a google bomb is a way of exploiting how google works to make a certain website come up when a phrase is searched for.
for example, type in miserable failure at google and look at the firt result. it's bushes official .gov bio. pretty amusing. i want to do the same with cheney.
the trick is having a huge number of web sites with a link to the desired site using the phrase. for cheney, i think "oil monger" will be apropriate.
if any of you have a website, dislike cheney, and like to support a good prank that could possibly get into the news (the bush google bomb did), please put this code somewhere in your site/weblog/whatever
<a href="http://www.whitehouse.gov/vicepresident">"oil monger"</a>
then if you would, add your site to google by going here
any help is appreciated, TELL YOUR FRIENDS