Wed 17 Dec, 2008 09:22 am
This phrase can be found on a wall in the Unied Nation's assembly room.
Could anyone help me with its proper translation? The phrase was originally written on a back of pew in a medieval Italian church.
Steve H. from Chicago, IL
found this --
Quote:[6] MN: Eis fuit domi industria, foris justum imperium, animus in
consulendo liber; neque libidini, neque delicto obnoxius. Salustius.
["They had industry at home, a just rule abroad, in counsel an
independent spirit subject neither to passion nor to crime." Sallust,
Bellum. Catilinae, chap. lii.]
(about 3/4 down the page)
more info here
FYI, this is the official motto of NATO, and it is on the wall of the main meeting room of the Alliance in Brussels. So it's NATO, not UN.
EspĂrito livre para decidir.
Free spirit to decide.