ossobuco wrote:I was raised in the old fashioned, aka 1940's, 1950's catholic church and really did love the solemnity and ritual of the latin mass. On the other hand, my personal views moved west, or something like that, and I have had room in my mind for much more expressive ritual. I didn't want it to replace the latin mass, but coexist, as I remember my feelings.
Not to mention altar girls, being an older girl myself.
I don't care about all this any more, and wouldn't go back to the church no matter the changes.
But I am sad for church dignity to subside so badly, whether I participate or not, and for it to subside in defense of silly things. Maybe all I see left is a structure of centuries of previously described ritual and no beef.
Not to mock any one else's belief here, just a nod from me.
an ad i ran across in the national review today, made me think of your post.
unfortunately i don't have it on me but it was opposite page 24 in the last issue i believe (the issue questioning bush's conservatism).
it was an ad for a conservative catholic magazine.
it was talking about how the church has become too liberal then asked "where is the beef?"
so we all get our beef from different markets.