Fri 5 Dec, 2008 08:21 pm
Follow my instructions to find this place, it's heavenly rules now misplaced.
The answer is the name of a place on earth. If you get it your better than me!
Does anyone know where Mosses received the 10 commandments? I was thinking along this line.
well that's not the answer " Mount Sinai " in Jordan
It appears to not have all of the riddle posted. Could there be more clues?
flesh wrote:
Follow my instructions to find this place, it's heavenly rules now misplaced.
The answer is the name of a place on earth. If you get it your better than me!
Might be Olympia/Mt. Olympus and the misplaced heavenly tradition of athletic nudity during the Olympics.
Mt. Sinai is, unsurprisingly, in the Sinai Peninsula, in Egypt, not Jordan.
Rule could mean a measure, as in a ruler--the words rule and ruler were at one time interchangeable in English. I don't know if that will help you, it gives me no ideas, but perhaps it will mean something to someone else.
I was thinking it could also refer to Nirvana. It has a lot of rules and instructions that define it and must be followed before the rules cease to exist and you arrive there. A paradox.
Quote:The Buddha explains nirvana as "the unconditioned" (asankhata) mind, a mind that has come to a point of perfect lucidity and clarity due to the absence of volitional formations. This being is described by the Buddha as "deathlessness" (Pali: amata or amaravati) and as the highest spiritual attainment, the natural result that accrues to one who lives a life of virtuous conduct and practise in accordance with the Noble Eightfold Path.
Yes I had a look at Nirvana in the U.S but that wasn't it, still don't know the answer?
Thanks for the help, I'll give it some though. :-)