Bang, bang, clatter, thud, thud, thud " energised 11year old runs downstairs...oof...might as well get up, shower, hear phone alarm shouting at me it’s time to get up...”I am up” " turns off, dress, slowly downstairs, puts on dryer, plates in dishwasher, makes a cuppa, grabs school bag, coooold outside, get’s in car with mug of tea, takes little fella to bus, drops off, drives back home, dries hair, puts on face, eats weetabix, dogs out for constitutional, get’s in car, drives to work, behind tractor, 5 mins late, walks in to work. High high on a hill. Oh so cold and blowing a hooley.
Grumpy PGCE students last day at school, say goodmorning, get ignored (they are so grumpy). In office, computer on, parents milling, children laughing playing holding hands, shake awake, phone rings a lot, computer’s a piece of crap, keeps crashing.
Governors arrive 10am for meeting about log cabin we want to build as a classroom. Governor W has her new baby. Grabs baby, governors go off and yap, baby in pretty purple dress and spangly tights and I go into Bodmin class, “Oliver” is on whiteboard, rehearsals commencing for Crimbo production, into staff room, makes tea, refuse to hand baby to teaching assistant who wishes to steal her from me, goes back in classroom, sings “food glorious food” with kids and baby on hip, back into office, tries to staple parent governor election papers, baby wants stapler.
Architect arrives about log cabin, takes him to governors. Baby handed back.
Finished office stuff, Head brings me a banana, cook brings me fresh baked chocolate cookie, Headteacher gets rid of governors and architect, goes thru umpteen dozen policies with me to print off and upload to website. Busy, busy, busy. Phone rings constantly.
Looks at time, 12.30, wants to leave, need to stay coz Boss won’t leave office, ‘til 1.20pm. Mosies out the door, get’s in car, negotiates school gate (close, so close....), home singing Leona Lewis loudly, in front door, COLD COLD COLD, too pooped to scoop. Puts dogs out, makes tea, logs on A2K, tells the crew I’m going to bed. Upstairs, COLD COLD COLD, gets hairdryer, places in bed, turns on, heats bed, gets in bed, pulls doonah up, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Wakes up, downstairs, COLD, turns heating on, makes tea, stomach growling, eats weetabix with way too much sugar on, turns on laptop, signs onto A2K, sees “a day in the life of....”
Bores everyone with my day so far. It’s bloody frrrrrreeezing here. Dark outside.