Oh joy!!! Oh sing, ye angels, oh give forth thanks ye trumpets!!! (the strumpets can as well if they feel so moved).
For the Lord hath vouchsafed unto me a BROOM CLOSET!!!! Verily I say unto thee, there is no joy on earth like unto the joy of a woman who had hath not a broom closet, and now hath!!!
And lo, the vacuum cleaner hath entered into the bliss thereof, and also the mop and bucket, and the brooms and dust pans and brooms. And yay, the cleaning unguents and the cloths sacred unto the cleaning unguents have found rest therein; and also the laundry detergent and the bleach thereof; and soon to follow into that sacred interior the iron and, if the Lord allow, the very gardening implements!
And lo, the Lord hath granted me thereby empty bathroom storage space and I rejoice in the name of the Lord, which is SE Waites and Sons, long established on Norwood parade.
And in their benevolence, SE Waites and the Sons thereof hath vouchsafed unto me also a wardrobe, and storage space above the hanging rail thereof, and lo, I hear my clothes, long hung in strait and suffocating proximity to each other, so that I was even able to lose things therein, rustling in joy at the deliverance that hovereth now so close to them.
Praise the Waites!!!!!!