**** me?
You mister gay christian, need to get your head out of your ass and learn to recognize a joke when you read one.
You, mr bigot need to really spend some time in a mirror before you open your mouth.
You are one of the most pathetic posters on this board who spills nothing but vile, hate, and judgment . Then you grab your bible and hold it in front of you like some kind of shield. You dont even have the guts to stand behind your own words. You build up your body so that visibly people think you are strong, but you are the most powerless men I have ever seen and it is incredibly sad. . You spend so much time worrying about how you are seen by others, and what other people are doing, that you come across as a spoiled rotten little bitch.
You personally disgust me on many levels and I am thankful that the majority of men are not like you.
You? attacking me? Is an odd thing to see.
Do you know how much I giggled reading your words?
Im sorry little man. YOU and YOUR insults mean nothing to me. It amazes me how much power my words have over you and I dont even ******* know you. You sat there behind your computer all pissed off and worked up enough to KEEP posting again and again and again . Damn . Get some
control will you? Show some dignity sometime. Disgusting. You need to ask yourself how in the world can I have that much power over you and Im just posting on a forum? My words alone rocked your little world. Dignity man. Learn it. Maybe my joke was not so far off and thats why it shook up that freckled skin of yours huh?....
white boy
That pissed you off again didnt it? Its almost too easy... Its like pushing a stick into a beehive.
CONTROL .. honey..... control. You need a lesson in it.
You obviously dont know me from the man in the moon by calling me a .. what was it.. 'liberal progressive?'

Oh dear god.
That. coming from a racist? Coming from a walking oxymoron? Coming from YOU? Im going to assume you were trying to use that as an insult?

My god. This is like laughing at the down syndrome child on the play ground .
You really are blind to who you are as a person aren't you?
You love to play the martyr by insulting others and trying to drag others down with you so that people can see ' how good you are' . Then once you lose face, or lose your footing, you resort to just plain hatred, disgust and intolerance.
Im sorry Mr Rexred. You are pathetic. Beyond my own words.
Grow up. Get a back bone. Stop playing the little bitch role and be a man for once . This playground is too big for you.